Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 75


           "For the  BBVA  Micro-            establishments,  customers can  withdraw   make a claim, notify of the loss, or provide
                                             money, make deposits or complete a credit
                                                                                 proof of the loss.
           finance           Foundation      application.
           (BBVAMF), innovation is  a                                            This  insurance provides  entrepreneurs
           lever for economic,  social       The  Foundation,  aware  of the  importance   with  coverage  that  protects  them against
                                                                                 possible  damages  or losses  that  could
                                             of digitalisation  for the  progress  of its
           and digital inclusion. Tech-      entrepreneurs' businesses,  also works   affect their agricultural, livestock, forestry,
           nology  helps  us  to  serve      to improve  their inclusion  in  the  digital   aquaculture  or  fishing  production,  against
                                             economy by organising free courses both
                                                                                 risks  such as  excessive rain, drought or
           more vulnerable  entrepre-        in  person  and  through its  open  digital   earthquakes  that  occur  in  the  place  of
           neurs  and  facilitate  their     platforms.                          their  business,  according  to  predefined
           day-to-day management,"           Satellites  to  speed  up  insurance  payouts   parameters or levels of force.
                                             for natural disasters               In  the  event  of  any  of the  insured  risks
        Since then, the Foundation has continued   Environmental  sustainability  is  another   exceeding  the  established  minimums,
        to innovate  with  advances  such  as  facial   strategic priority for BBVAMF, which relies   they will be paid according to the level of
        recognition and the Voice Fingerprint tool   on technology to create climate vulnerability   force  they  have  had,  which  is  determined
        recently launched by Financiera Confianza,   maps.  The  information provided  by these   through scientifically predefined indices or
        BBVAMF's     Peruvian   microfinance   maps is cross-referenced with geolocation   parameters based on measurements made
        institution,  which allows  the  identity   data  and  complements  the  information   by international experts  (geological  and
        of customers to be authenticated  very   on the  economic and social situation  of   climatological reporting agencies).
        easily and quickly in the various channels   entrepreneurs, in order to design and offer
        available.                           solutions  tailored  to their  needs  (frost,   Supporting entrepreneurs in any corner of
                                             floods caused by El Niño, droughts, etc.).   the  planet, especially the  most vulnerable
        The voiceprint allows entrepreneurs to use                               ones, and accompanying them on their way
        the language of their choice (it can be an   Another example of how these technologies   to a more hopeful future deserves the full
        indigenous  language)  for voice  validation   are  used  is  parametric  insurance,  which   effort of the public and private sectors; it is
        while maintaining high security standards,   covers  businesses  against  natural  essential to continue our efforts to design
        thus boosting inclusion.             disasters  associated  with  climate  change   joint  strategies  to  implement  initiatives
                                             and whose payment is  automatic and   capable of at least beginning to change the
        Another  of   the  most   successful  varies according to the level of force of the   forecasts  and,  of course, the  facts  of a
        functionalities  is  the  mobile  banking   climate  event  monitored  by  satellite  (the   reality that gives no respite and that invites
        application,  designed  in  an  intuitive   more serious the phenomenon, the higher   us  to continue  working together, for the
        format,  similar  to WhatsApp, which all   the payment). In this way, compensation is   good of all.
        microfinance  institutions  of  the  BBVAMF   recognised  without  the  insured having  to
        use to communicate with their customers.
        The aim was to find a simple and easy-to-
        use system for these populations, who are
        familiar  with  this  type  of chat  but  not  so
        familiar with financial transactions. Today,
        more than 800,000  entrepreneurs already
        use it.

        These  efforts,  in  addition  to trying  to
        facilitate  their  day-to-day  management,
        have been a way of boosting digitalisation
        in  remote  and  vulnerable  places,  and
        reflect  the  Foundation's  commitment  to
        contributing  to closing  the  digital  divide.
        Small neighborhood shops act as BBVAMF
        Institution’s  banking  correspondents  and
        more than  80  if them, in  remote villages
        have  been  equipped  with  satellite  (and
        other)  connections  to bring internet,
        banking  services  and  training.  In  these

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