Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 9


        With  well-crafted  regulations,  we  can   Cybersecurity policy and regulation should
        ensure that  digital  technology is  used to   be concerned with the welfare of society.
        bring benefit to the public, not exploit it, and   Moreover, in  the  interest  of the  society,
        to help  support  the  creation  of a secure,   Policymakers and Regulators need to view
        sustainable, and a bright digital future for   the Private Sector as the enabling engine of
        both businesses and the society, at large.”  ICT-driven  nation-building  and  sustainable
        SAMENA Council has  been  vocal about
        having  good regulation  at  the  foundation   Speaking at GCF 2023 in
        of industry development and sustainability.   Riyadh, SAMENA Coun-
        “Good regulation would help set incentives,
        sustain investments, and would guarantee   cil, represented  by CEO
        level-playing field for businesses and varied   & Board Member, Bocar      5G EVOLUTION AND USE-CASES
        choices  for  the  end-user.  The  values  we                            Following  5G  investments  in  the  region,
        want  to  promote,  such  as  safety,  privacy,   BA,  called for  greater   the  path  to  5G  and  5.5G  growth  appears
        and  security, all  require  regulations.   inclusion,  greater  inte-   to be relatively clear. Treading it, however,
        Thus,  the  role  of  regulatory  authorities  is                        requires critical and timely decisions on all
        tremendous, and  it  requires  to be driven   gration  of technologies   parallel  fronts,  ranging  from technology,
        by  an  industry-enablement  mindset  that   and industries, and a lot   resources,  use-cases,  investments,  policy
        supports digital infrastructure development   more  collaboration  on    and  regulation,  carbon  control, and  both
        for all people.”                                                         social and business value-creation.
                                                multiple  fronts, includ-

        The Best Practice Guidelines adopted at the   ing cybersecurity.         In  efforts  to  exploit  true  potential  of 5G
        GSR-23  International  Telecommunication                                 and  achieving  cross-sector  5G  business
        Union's  Global  Symposium for Regulators   Speaking at GCF 2023 in Riyadh, SAMENA   successes,  and  building  adjacent
        (GSR-23) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, define   Council, represented by CEO & Board Mem-  vertical  ecosystems  to  reconnect,
        regulatory  and  economic  incentives  ber, Bocar BA, called for greater inclusion,   rebuild,  and  reimagine  a  fully-connected,
        to stimulate  the  deployment  of digital   greater integration of technologies and in-  intelligent  world powered  by 5G/5.5G,
        infrastructure  for all  people  everywhere,   dustries,  and  a lot  more  collaboration  on   SAMENA  Council  emphasized  on  digital
        and  further  adding  to  SAMENA  Council’s   multiple  fronts, including  cybersecurity.   transformation, technology integration, and
        voice.                               The complexity of the ecosystem, access   economic diversification as being the three
                                             to the network, and numerous uses of the   main  pillars  of inclusive  progress  for the
        SAMENA Council observes that regulatory   communication infrastructure,  inherently   SA-ME-NA region.
        agility  in  the  5G  era  is  more  likely  to  be   make network and data security a daunting
        achieved in markets where regulators and   challenge. Therefore, new priorities need to   The  Council  empha-
        governments are already treading the path   be defined to ensure a safer, securer, and
        to G5 collaborative regulation.      sustainable cyberspace.                sized on maximizing the
                                                                                    true potential of 5G and
                                             SAMENA    Council  highlighted  the
                                             imperative  of  elevating  cybersecurity  to   implementing  real-life
                                             an important  business  strategic  value. In   use-cases across Ports,
                                             his  intervention  at  GCF, SAMENA Council
                                             linked  sustainability  and  future  network   Education,  Healthcare,
                                             deployment, including 6G. He added: “If we   Manufacturing, etc.
                                             look at the work being done on 6G, we note
                                             that one of the key targets for developing
                                             6G  includes  cutting  the  average  power   The  Council  emphasized  on  maximizing
                                             consumption  of  6G  networks  in  half  as   the true potential of 5G and implementing
                                             compared to 5G, while still supporting peak   real-life use-cases across Ports, Education,
          SOCIETAL WELFARE & CYBERSECURITY   speeds  100  times  higher  than  today’s  5G   Healthcare,  Manufacturing,  etc.  Such
        Given  that  the  Internet  or the  cyberspace   networks. We are talking about dramatically   use-cases,  some  of  which  can  show
        or the  information  space  is  central  to   reducing  per-bit  energy  consumption  and   strong direct impact of advanced  digital
        the  existence  of digital  economy and  to   carbon emissions.  Companies  such  as   technologies  on  the  livelihood  and  well-
        new digital  capabilities,  experiences ,and   Nokia and Huawei, both of which are valued   being of those working in those industries.
        possibilities,  we have  no  choice but  to   members of SAMENA Council, are making   Moreover, SAMENA Council correlated 5G
        protect cyber assets.                tremendous  contributions  on  future  advancements  with  the  ability  to connect
                                             network development and deployment.”  digital divides around the region.

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