Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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speed broadband onboard aircraft, vessels, directional communication via non-GSO the WRC-23 also adopted several
trains, and vehicles. These satellite services satellite systems for pilots and air traffic resolutions that mandate the ITU
are also critical following disasters where controllers everywhere, especially over Radiocommunication Sector Study
local communication infrastructure is oceanic and remote areas. Groups to undertake studies on specified
damaged or destroyed. Provisions were • Allocation of the bands 15.41-15.7 GHz topics that include:
included to protect ship and aircraft mobile and 22-22.2 GHz in Radio Regulations • Possible new or modified space research
service stations located in international Region 1 and some Region 3 countries to service (space-to-space) allocations for
airspace and waters from other stations the aeronautical mobile service for non- future development of communications
within national territories. To support the safety aeronautical applications. This will on the lunar surface, and between lunar
modernization of the Global Maritime enable aircraft, helicopters, and drones orbit and the lunar surface.
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), to carry sophisticated aeronautical • The development of regulatory measures
WRC-23 took regulatory actions including digital equipment for purposes such as to limit the unauthorized operations of
the implementation of e-navigation surveillance, monitoring, mapping, and non-geostationary-satellite orbit (non-
systems to enhance distress and safety filming, and have the capacity to transfer GSO) earth stations in the fixed-satellite
communications at sea. The conference large data from these applications using service (FSS) and mobile-satellite service
provisionally recognized the BeiDou Satellite wideband radio links. (MSS).
Messaging Service System for GMDSS • Adoption of regulatory actions for the • Technical and regulatory measures
use, subject to successful completion of provision of inter-satellite links. This will for fixed satellite systems (FSS) while
coordination with the existing networks allow data to be made available in near- taking into account the specific needs
and elimination of interference. The WRC- real time, enhancing the availability and of developing countries including the
23 negotiations were led by conference value of instrument data for low-latency need for equitable access to the relevant
Chair, H.E. Eng. Mohammed Al Ramsi from applications such as weather forecasting frequency bands.
the United Arab Emirates with assistance and disaster risk reduction. • Technical and regulatory provisions
from six committee chairs: Basebi Mosinyi • Endorsement of the decision by the necessary to protect radio astronomy
(Botswana); Cindy Cook (Canada); Hiroyuki International Bureau of Weights and operating in specific Radio Quiet Zones
Atarashi (Japan); Anna Marklund (Sweden); Measures (BIPM) to adopt Coordinated from radio-frequency interference caused
Abdouramane El Hadjar (Cameroon); Universal Time (UTC) as the de facto time by systems in the non-geostationary-
and Christian Rissone (France). The standard by 2035, with the possibility satellite orbit.
conference, which took place in Dubai from to extend the deadline to 2040 in cases • Possible new allocations to the mobile-
20 November to 15 December, was hosted where existing equipment cannot be satellite service for direct connectivity
by the Telecommunications and Digital replaced earlier. between space stations and mobile user
Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) • Recognition of the importance of equipment to complement terrestrial
of the UAE. “Across the globe, numerous space weather observation in a new mobile network coverage.
countries, institutions, and companies Resolution and a new Article in the • Spectrum needs and appropriate
eagerly anticipate the outcomes of this Radio Regulations to recognize the protection criteria for space weather
conference," said Al Ramsi, Chair of WRC- operation of space weather sensors as sensors.
23 and Deputy Director-General for the part of the meteorological aid service • Potential new frequency allocations
Telecommunication Sector of TDRA. “We to observe space weather phenomena and regulatory actions for future
have emerged from this conference with including solar flares, solar radiation and development of low-data-rate non-
significant results that contribute to the geomagnetic storms which can interfere geostationary mobile-satellite systems
advancement of numerous radio services, with radiocommunication services (small satellites).
serving the interests of countries, societies, including satellites, mobile phone • Identification of measures to facilitate
and humanity at large." Overall, WRC-23 services and navigation systems. the operation of earth stations on
approved 43 new resolutions, revised • Approval of a recommendation by board unmanned aircraft, including
56 existing ones, and suppressed 33 the Radio Regulations Board to allow identification of suitable frequency bands
resolutions. Other key WRC-23 outcomes 41 countries to acquire new and to decide on the appropriate course of
include: usable orbital resources for satellite action to be taken in 2031 (WRC-31).
• Allocation of additional frequencies broadcasting. The countries were unable WRC-23 also approved the agenda items
for passive Earth exploration satellite to use their assigned orbital slots in for the next World Radiocommunication
services to enable advanced ice cloud recent years due to factors such as lack Conference (WRC-27) and the provisional
measurements for better weather of coordination and interference from agenda for WRC-31. Over 3,900 delegates
forecasting and climate monitoring. other satellite networks. The decision from 163 Member States attended WRC-
• Allocation of new frequencies to the aims to enable countries to implement 23, including 88 ministerial-level
aviation industry for aeronautical subregional satellite systems. participants. Women made up 22 per cent
mobile satellite services (117.975-137 • To prepare for future world of all WRC-23 delegates, an increase from
MHz). The new service will enhance bi- radiocommunication conferences, 18 per cent at WRC-19 in 2019.
13 DECEMBER 2023