Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 90


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The  Ministry of Communications and Information said  that  the   country and demanded the interim government reduce the price of
        Afghanistan  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  (ATRA)  will  create   telecommunication services. “The rates should be controlled, they
        450  telecommunications  sites  soon.  Enayatullah  Alokozi,  the   should set the same rate for all the devices, because they sell the
        spokesperson of the Ministry of Communications and Information,   internet to the customers as much as they want for each device,”
        told  TOLOnews  that  these  sites  are  created  in  remote parts  of   said Rashidullah, a Kabul resident. Some economists consider the
        the  country  where  people  are  deprived  of telecommunication   installation of new telecommunications sites in remote areas to
        services. According  to him, among these  sites,  the  Afghan   be beneficial in speeding up the work and business processes of
        Telecom company  is  supposed  to create  about 280  sites  in  18   citizens.  “The  convenience  of  internet  and  telecommunications
        provinces  and  320  districts  worth  27.5  million  US  dollars.  "We   can also  have positive social  and  economic  effects, including
        have announced 450  telecommunication sites  and these  sites   the  simplification  of  the  work  and  business  process,  and  the
        have been designed in specific areas, which are in places where   result  is  conducive  to economic  prosperity,”  said  Abdul Zahur
        there is no telecommunication service and the majority of regions   Mudabir, an economist. Earlier, the Ministry of Communications
        (320  districts)  were deprived  of telecommunication services,”   and  Information  set  the  price of one  GB  of Internet  access  to
        said  Enaytullah  Alokozai.  Some  residents  of  the  capital  have   telecommunications networks at 110 afghani. and one minute of
        praised  the  establishment  of telecommunication sites  in  the   phoning at 1 afghani and 85 pol. (December 11, 2023)


        The  4G  penetration  in  Bangladesh  has  steadily  risen  over  the   7.91 crore in June 2022 and 9.39 crore in June 2023. But despite
        past  few  years,  surpassing  the  10-crore  mark  for  the  first  time.   these advancements, Bangladesh finds itself trailing neighboring
        According to data from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory   countries in the South Asian region, which have witnessed more
        Commission  (BTRC),  there  were  about  18.96  crore  mobile   rapid and extensive 4G network development. In 2022, more than
        subscribers as of October. Of them, 10.05 crore use 4G. That means   72 percent of mobile users in India were equipped with 4G while it
        more than half the users, or 53 percent, are now using 4G SIMs,   was 57 percent in Pakistan and an average of 70 percent across
        showcasing a positive trend in the adoption of high-speed mobile   the Asia Pacific region, according to GSMA's The Mobile Economy
        internet. Industry people attributed the growth to the expansion   Asia Pacific 2023. (December 13, 2023)
        of 4G infrastructure, increased investment by telecom operators,
        and growing demand for faster and more reliable connectivity. The   Mr. Md Mohiuddin Ahmed has been appointed as the chairman of
        telecom regulator awarded 4G licenses to operators in February   Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).
        2018,  taking  Bangladesh  into  the  era  of  fourth-generation  data   Prior to the appointment, Ahmed has been serving the commission
        services. The number of 4G subscribers reached 5 million in June   as  its  vice  chairman.  Ahmed  will  replace  Shyam  Sunder  Sikder,
        that year. The 4G subscriber base shot up to 1.87 crore in June the   who joined BTRC chairman on December 14 in 2020. Ahmed will
        following year before hitting 3.53 crore in the same month of 2020.   hold the position until May 29 of 2025, according to a government
        There were 5.92 crore 4G subscribers in the country in June 2021,   notification issued today. (December 11, 2023)

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