Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 94


                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communications, Space and  Technology Commission   through collaborating  with  public and  private  sectors, as  well
        (CST)  announced  joining  the  Green  Digital  Action  with  the   as  the  UN  organizations.  On  the  sidelines  of  COP28,  CST  is
        International  Telecommunication Union (ITU), which includes   organizing  a  panel  discussion  entitled  "Circular  Economy"  to
        several  international  entities  and  agencies.  The  Green  Digital   highlight the Saudi Arabia’s efforts in leading digital sustainability,
        Action  aims  to  enhance  collaboration,  fast-track  industry-wide   with  the  participation  of  ITU  Deputy  Secretary-General  Thomas
        commitments  to  addressing  climate  challenges,  and  put  digital   Lemanoskas,  and  representatives from countries  that will apply
        solutions at the forefront of climate action., by transforming to a   the  “E-Waste  Management  Regulations”,  which  was  launched
        digital infrastructure that enables environmental and sustainable   by Saudi Arabia in partnership with the ITU. This initiative aims
        solutions during the COP28 held in Dubai, with the presence of   to implement the regulations in Zambia, Rwanda, and Paraguay,
        the Secretary-General of ITU, Ms. Doreen Bogdan – Martin. CST   which will contribute to providing innovative regulatory solutions
        revealed that it will be leading the “Foster a circular ICT industry”   to the challenges facing the treatment of e-waste globally, along
        track as  part  of the  Green  Digital  Action which consists  of six   with raising awareness among policymakers and industry owners
        tracks including: reducing ICT sector emissions, advancing climate   on the  critical role  of fair and  practical  economical regulations
        solutions  through  open  environmental  data  and  technologies,   in  reducing  e-waste  production  and  carbon  emissions.  CST
        implementing  green  standards, facilitating  a green  transition   participated in the COP28 to  promote Saudi  Arabia’s endeavors
        across  all  industries  through digital  technology, and  leveraging   in leading international efforts to enable digital sustainability, in
        digital systems for disaster alerts and early warnings. By joining   line with its directions in support of the circular economy. Saudi
        this initiative, CST seeks to harness its efforts to provide digital   launched on many initiatives that contributed to raising awareness
        and  sustainable  solutions  to address  climate  challenges,  help   and  educating  the  public  on  the  best  practices  for leveraging
        improve and implement regulations that enable circular economy   technology to create a sustainable future for all.
        which contribute  to reducing  carbon emissions  and  climate   (December 5, 2023)
        change,  and  transfer  to  an  eco-friendly  digital  infrastructure

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        The government of Sri Lanka has reportedly extended the deadline   sale of the government’s 50.23% stake SLT-Mobitel has run into
        for submission of Request for Qualification (RfQ) for the purchase   problems  due  to  a  legal  challenge  instigated  by  its  mobile  arm
        of  a  50.23%  stake  in  Sri  Lanka  Telecom  (SLT-Mobitel)  from  18   Mobitel  against  the  national  regulator, the  Telecommunications
        December 2023 to 12 January 2024. Further, with the country’s SOE   Regulatory Commission  of Sri Lanka  (TRCSL),  concerning the
        Restructuring Unit (SRU) having ruled out any further extensions,   sharing  of spectrum via the  proposed merger between  Dialog
        it now aims to issue its Request for Proposal (RfP), including the   Axiata and Bharti Airtel Lanka. That court case will take place on
        opening of pre-qualified bidders’ due diligence, in Q1 2024. The   12 December 2023. (December 11, 2023)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Au-  latest version, the platform strives to elevate digital participation
        thority (TDRA) unveiled the latest version of the digital participa-  as an integral component of the methodologies employed by gov-
        tion platform in the UAE,, aligning with cutting-edge con-  ernment entities to refine their services and solutions in alignment
        cepts in digital participation, incorporating global best practices,   with the perspectives and expectations of their audience. Digital
        and anticipating future requirements in this domain.   participation also plays a pivotal role in enhancing decision-mak-
        This announcement took place at a ceremony organized by TDRA,   ing processes, supporting government entities in the design and
        featuring the participation of representatives from federal govern-  redesign of services based on the evolving needs of both individ-
        ment entities. These entities have collaboratively worked over the   ual and corporate clients. The celebration started with a speech
        past  years  to enhance  digital  participation  practices  within  the   by H.E. Eng. Mohammad Al Zarooni, TDRA Deputy Director Gener-
        broader framework of digital  government  enablers  overseen  by   al for the Information and Digital Government Sector, wherein he
        TDRA as the catalyst for digital transformation in the UAE. In its   commended the endeavors of the digital transformation and dig-
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