Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        others are at an advanced stage of data-  Aloufi  says:  “Almost  all  the  countries   driven  government  and  to  efficiently
        driven digital government,” Abdul Mobeen   in  the Middle East  are currently  racing   implement  them  to drive the quality of
        Khan,  Strategy  Execution,  Program  against each other to achieve 100% Data-  life and support their national socio-
        Management,  ITSM, Cybersecurity &   Driven paperless government. However,   economic  development.  Data-driven
        Governance  Practitioner  and Trainer,  UAE   most  countries  are lagging behind  and   government is key to achieve sustainable
        and Chairman of the 2nd Data-Driven   needs  to  catch up fast.  These  countries   development  and the United Nations
        Government Conference, says. “The UAE is   need  to expand their bandwidth and   Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs)
        one of the most advanced countries to have   encourage  people to start searching   by 2030, while most countries have
        digitized its  public  services, while Dubai   for public services online.”  The current   enhanced  E-participation  and  data-
        Government  is  the  first  to  have  become   rapid development of  ICT  has  brought   centric  approaches and increased the
        100% paperless government in the world,   about high performance  and increased   focus  in building digital capacities,
        which is a huge achievement.” The Data-  integration of the computing environment,   according to  a  recent  United  Nations
        Driven Government will also expand the big   mobile computing, and hyper-connection.   report on E-Government. The conference,
        data and bring  all the  citizens’ individual   This led to a stratification in data quality   is supported by – The  Saudi Ministry
        data in one server. Race for excellence in   and a sharp increase in quantity, according   of Communications and Information
        effective governance gains momentum   to a  report, titled Data-Driven Smart   Technology  (MCIT), Jordan  Ministry  of
        and is the focal point of discussions at the   Government by the United Nations. “While   Digital Economy  and Entrepreneurship,
        2nd Data-Driven Government Conference.   in the past, there was  mainly ‘passive   UAE  Ministry  of  Health  and Prevention
        Globally governments are working on the   data’ that data holders or owners created   (MOHAP), Dubai  Health  Authority (DHA),
        digitization of the public sector, especially   while passively responding to the request   Emirates Health Services, Sharjah Research
        key government departments,  authorities   of the data collecting actors, there is now   Technology  and  Innovation Park,  Saudi
        and regulators, to offer a  seamless   a rise in ‘active data,’ which data holders   Digital Government Authority, Ajman Free
        service  delivery across all the  channels.   volunteer  to produce,”  it said.  At the 2nd   Zone, International Association of Artificial
        While some are at  the  beginning phase   Data-Driven Government  Conference,  a   Intelligence, Oman National Energy Centre
        of data-driven government set up, others   distinguished  expert  panel of speakers   (NEC) and Oman Information Technology
        are migrating to the next-generation   will  include government  decision  makers   Society.
        solutions.  In his opening  address at the   and international  industry experts who
        2nd Data-Driven Government Conference,   will  discuss the  region’s  vision  of data-

        Salam Taps Optiva BSS Platform to Launch New Saudi MVNO

                                                                                  our  expansion  into realizing the exciting
                                                                                  possibilities of the digital services future,”
                                                                                  said Abdulmohsin Al-Joyan, Salam Mobile
                                                                                  CEO.  Optiva  BSS Platform equips Salam
                                                                                  Mobile with rapid launch capabilities and
                                                                                  provides total cost of ownership (TCO)
                                                                                  savings by  addressing  all  of its  end-to-
                                                                                  end MVNO business monetization require-
                                                                                  ments. The turnkey BSS suite, architected
                                                                                  as a cloud-native and designed for private
                                                                                  and public cloud deployment, goes beyond
                                                                                  traditional billing, allowing  for real-time
                                                                                  storefront provisioning,  monetization and
                                                                                  cross-service promotion delivery.  These
        Saudi  Arabia’s Salam (formerly ITC) has   revenue  management solution, allows   capabilities  support Salam in creating  a
        selected  Optiva’s BSS Platform to enable   Salam  to quickly  and cost-effectively   unique offering to grow its customer base
        its new MVNO. Branded as Salam Mobile,   conceptualize and  introduce  new digital   with an enhanced, personalized digital ex-
        the MVNO aims to bring innovative digital   service offerings to customers.  The  plat-  perience.  “The MVNO  segment  continues
        services to Saudi Arabia’s fast-growing   form provides real-time billing, charging   to proliferate worldwide and offers opera-
        consumer  market segment.  Through  this   and fulfilment that will differentiate Salam   tors the opportunity to create — in a matter
        partnership, Salam Mobile will deploy Op-  Mobile offerings. “Salam  Mobile’s  line of   of minutes what used to take days — ser-
        tiva  cloud-native BSS technology on its   business will be built upon our strong en-  vice packages that deliver unique custom-
        state-of-the-art, private cloud  infrastruc-  terprise  customer base. By  collaborating   er experiences,” said John Giere, President
        ture. Optiva BSS Platform, a best-of-suite,   with Optiva, we will accelerate our journey   and CEO of Optiva.
        end-to-end,  pre-integrated  customer  and   into the consumer segment and continue
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