Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 54


        Digital Transformation of Jordan Focused at Conference

        Jordan has  demonstrated  that  digital transformation is  a  top
        priority on the national agenda. The country has made enormous
        strides in building a digital infrastructure to accelerate its move
        towards  a  digital  economy.  More  than  200  government  and
        industry experts from several ministries and industries  and 30
        expert speakers will brainstorm  on  new ideas and discuss  the
        roadmap  for the  future of digital transformation  of the  country
        -  at the  2nd Digital Transformation  Jordan,  which  took place
        on 14 – 15 March 2022, Kempinski Convention Center, Amman,
        Jordan. Under the patronage of H.E. Ahmad Al Hanandeh, Minister
        of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and organized by Great
        Minds Events Management, the 2nd Digital Transformation Jordan
        is the only event in Jordan to cover the entire digital ecosystem.
        Digital infrastructure, skills, entrepreneurship, and digital financial
        services and platforms are the main areas of focus for the Jordanian
        government to reach its vision of creating a secure and inclusive
        digital economy that achieves sustainable economic and social
        development. Some of these critical issues will be addressed at
        the forthcoming  conference.  The Minister of Digital Economy
        and  Entrepreneurship,  H.E.  Ahmed  Al-Hanandeh,  confirmed  the
        importance of the ministry’s  participation  in such  conferences
        to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing the Kingdom
        regarding how to implement digital transformation, and how it is
        possible  to take advantage of current opportunities to achieve   international  deliverables,  trends,  and practices  adopted  in this
        achievements in ideal time. He says, “The digital transformation is   regard, and in line with  the Sustainable  Development  Goals
        an important role for economic and social development because of   (SDGs) of 2030. In 2020, World Bank approved a US$200 million
        its solutions in many financial, agricultural, industrial, health care,   project to increase access for Jordanian youth to jobs and expand
        security services and other sectors and the development of new   government  digital  services.  The Youth, Technology  and Jobs
        business models that could not have been developed in isolation   project adopted an integrated approach to capitalize on Jordan’s
        from digital transformation and modern technologies. Among the   potential to grow its digital economy and absorb skilled labor to
        government's priorities is to make digital technologies available   address two main challenges facing the country, economic growth
        and to ensure their efficient provision.” Digitization improves the   and job creation. The project is expected to provide professional
        outcomes of both the private and public sectors by streamlining   skills to 30,000 youth, a technology curriculum in public school
        business  operations,  small  and medium  enterprises  (SMEs)   grades 7 to 12, and workspaces in underserved communities. The
        are enabled to enter the market and access finance and human   project  also supports  access  to markets for entrepreneurs  and
        talents. Digital transformation also provides the government the   incentivise businesses to expand their operations in underserved
        ability to distribute services and support to its citizens via digital   communities. It will also improve access for youth to freelancing
        mediums. Jordan which ranked 104th out of 193 countries in the   platforms and improve government digital services and digital
        Open  Government  Data Index  (OGDI) in the UN E-Government   payments. The  project  aims  to generate  10,000 new income
        Survey  2020,  will  start  deploying 5G Network in the country  in   opportunities for youth in the coming five years, including women
        2022 which is expected to be operational within 18 months, and   (30%) and Syrian refugees in freelance opportunities (15%). It aims
        currently implementing  a  major  program to  transform public   to digitize more than 80  percent of government  payments and
        service delivery on the digital channels. Realizing that the country   mobilize around US$20 million in new private sector investments
        needs  to catch up, the government  launched  Jordan Digital   in digital services. Information technology activities achieved a
        Transformation  Strategy in 2020 that represents  a strategic   growth of 11.64 percent between 2014 and 2018 in Jordan, where
        framework  for Jordan’s  digital  transformation that  outlines the   annual revenues increased by about US$300 million. Mobile and
        changes and strategic requirements needed to keep pace with the   internet penetration rates reached 85 percent and 88.8 percent
        progress of digital transformation globally, improve the delivery of   respectively in 2018.  The 2nd  Digital  Transformation Jordan
        government services, and enhance the efficiency of government   will  focus  on the legislative and regulatory  framework needed
        performance. This also includes meeting the needs of beneficiaries   to keep  pace  with the  rapid  development  of digital platforms,
        (i.e.  the government, citizens, residents,  tourists, private  sector,   as well as the strategy and technologies to be adopted to drive
        entrepreneurs, and civil society), improving the quality of life more   innovation forward. There will be  industry discussion  sessions,
        effectively, sustainably and reliably, and achieving well-being. The   presentations  by delegates  and panel  discussion  on Jordan’s
        Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship has developed   digital  transformation strategy,  data  and digital  transformation,
        this strategy based on the Jordan Vision 2025, as well as applicable   cloud adoption and integration etc. Delegates and experts from

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