Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        At 100%, Bahrain Has Highest Internet Penetration Rate

        Bahrain has the highest internet penetra-
        tion rate in the world, with 100% of its pop-
        ulation connected  to the worldwide  web.
        Additionally, it boasts an internet  quali-
        ty  that  surpasses the global average by
        seven percent. This is according to Surf-
        shark’s  2023  Digital  Quality  of  Life  Index
        (DQL), which assesses digital well-being
        in 121 territories. “In many nations, ‘digital
        quality of life’ has merged into the broader
        concept of overall ‘quality of life.’ There’s
        no other way to look at it now that so many
        daily activities, including work, education,
        and leisure, are done  online,”  expressed
        Gabriele Racaityte-Krasauske, spokesper-
        son for Surfshark. In terms of the overall
        digital quality of life, Bahrain ranked 57th
        on DQL’s list. This marks a one-spot de-
        cline from  the previous year.  The index
        evaluates  countries  in  five  core  pillars:   est at 10 Mbps. Over the past year, Bahrain   said figure is already a huge improvement:
        quality,  affordability,  e-infrastructure,  has  witnessed  an  impressive  97  percent   It’s a 24-spot increase from the previous
        e-security, and  e-government.  Accord-  improvement in mobile internet speed and   year. Looking into how other countries in
        ing to the latest data, Bahrain particularly   a  9  percent  increase  in  fixed  broadband   the Gulf Cooperation  Council  (GCC) fared
        excelled  in  e-infrastructure, securing  the   speed. This development could have con-  in DQL’s list, the UAE is considered  the
        36th  spot.  E-infrastructure  plays  a  cru-  tributed  to Bahrain’s high  internet  pene-  top performer.  Based on the overall  dig-
        cial  role  in facilitating daily  online activi-  tration rate.  For internet  affordability and   ital quality of life, it ranked 38th globally.
        ties, including work, study, and shopping.   e-government, the country was at the 57th   As stated, it also stands out as the country
        Meanwhile, it occupied the 48th spot in in-  place. The e-government  pillar  gauges a   with the best internet quality in the world.
        ternet quality, a measure that assesses the   government’s digital service advancement   Nonetheless, it is ranked 90th in e-secu-
        speed, stability, and ongoing improvement   and readiness for Artificial Intelligence. To   rity. Meanwhile, Saudi ranked 45th overall.
        of connectivity within a country. Fixed in-  afford fixed broadband internet, Bahrainis   Its  top metric  is e-infrastructure, placing
        ternet in Bahrain averages 83 megabits per   must work for 2 hours and 17 minutes per   28th among all 121 countries indexed. The
        second  (Mbps), while the world’s fastest   month, slightly below the global average.   country particularly faces challenges with
        fixed internet, found in Singapore, boasts   For mobile internet, it takes them 1 hour, 21   internet  affordability, its  lowest-ranked
        speeds  of 300  Mbps.  Conversely, the   minutes, and 24 seconds per month, which   metric at 74th. Qatar placed 48th in terms
        world’s  slowest  fixed  internet,  in  Yemen,   is in line with global standards. Among all   of the overall digital quality of life. It fur-
        registers just  11  Mbps.  Meanwhile, Bah-  pillars, the country obtained its lowest rank   ther boasts  good quality, ranking 19th
        rain has an average mobile internet speed   in e-security, at the 68th spot. E-security   worldwide. Oman and Kuwait occupied the
        of 202 Mbps. The  United Arab Emirates   evaluates  a  country’s  preparedness  to   61st and 63rd spots, respectively, when it
        (UAE) offers the fastest mobile internet at   combat cybercrime and the advancement   comes to general digital well-being.
        310 Mbps, while Venezuela has the slow-  of its  data  protection  laws.  However, the

        TDRA Announces the Conclusion of the 9th Edition of Its Virtual Camp

        The  Telecommunications  and Digital   expertise and skills  to encourage  the   trainees reached 30,000 students since its
        Government  Regulatory  Authority  (TDRA)   participants to follow the tech path in their   launch  in 2015, in addition  to the quality
        announced  the conclusion  of the 9th   future endeavors.  The closing ceremony,   of ideas presented by the participants. He
        edition of "TDRA Virtual Camp", which took   which was held virtually, was attended by   said: “Today, as we celebrate this new group
        place from 7 to 18 August 2023, with the   H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA   of creative minds and their inspiring ideas
        participation of 2,700 students between 7   Director  General.  In his speech, H.E.  Al   that reflect the true spirit of innovation, we
        and 18 years old. This edition’s activities   Mesmar praised  the wide participation   are certain of the success of the vision of
        aimed at  providing a  range of digital   in this  year’s edition,  as  the number  of   TDRA Virtual Camp, and the wisdom of our

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