Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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continuous growth over the years, further million cell phone users. As the largest of 165 million people. Pakistan's mobile
cementing its position as a global tech archipelago in the world, Indonesia's market has experienced rapid growth in
powerhouse. mobile connectivity plays a vital role in recent years, driven by increased access
Bharat (India) - 1.28 billion users connecting its diverse population spread to affordable smartphones and improved
Following closely behind China is India, across thousands of islands. telecommunications infrastructure.
often referred to as "Bharat," with an United States - 327mln users The proliferation of mobile phones in
impressive 1.28 billion cell phone users. The United States takes fourth place with Pakistan has not only transformed the way
India's remarkable mobile penetration is a 327 million cell phone users. While it ranks people communicate but has also opened
testament to the nation's digital revolution, lower in terms of sheer numbers, the coun- doors to essential services like healthcare,
driven by factors such as affordable try remains a leader in mobile technology education, and e-commerce. Mobile
smartphones and widespread internet innovation and application development. connectivity has bridged geographical
access, particularly in rural areas. Pakistan - 165mln Users Joining the ranks gaps, connecting remote areas to the
Indonesia - 386 million users of the top 10 countries in cell phone usage digital world and empowering communities
In third place is Indonesia, boasting 386 is Pakistan, with a significant user base across the nation.
Qatar Ranks Second in the Middle East in 5G Speeds
Qatar has emerged as the second in the gaming experience for its residents. The widespread smartphone adoption, and
Middle East for median download speeds, report further highlights that 5G networks high-speed Internet access. Download
clocking in at 68.63Mbps for 4G and a outperformed 4G in terms of game scores speed is identified as a vital factor in
remarkable 462.96Mbps for 5G networks. across all Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) ensuring a seamless gaming experience,
These speeds indicate that Qatar countries, confirming the advantages especially for downloading games and
provides mobile users with the necessary of 5G technology in gaming. The larger updates. Ookla recommends that mobile
bandwidth to enjoy an uninterrupted bandwidth and reduced latency offered operators in the GCC focus on delivering
gaming experience, particularly for data- by 5G contribute to smoother and more high download speeds to cater to the
intensive multiplayer games. The report responsive gameplay. On average, game demands of gamers. The report assumes
highlights Qatar’s impressive standing in scores on 4G networks lagged behind that 25Mbps is the minimum download
terms of median download speeds for both 5G by percentages ranging from 5.37 speed required for casual gamers to
4G and 5G networks, as well as its strong percent in Oman to 8.26 percent in Saudi enjoy a good gaming experience, and
position in mobile gaming, reflecting the Arabia. Ookla’s report also provides the data shows that GCC markets
nation’s commitment to superior telecom recommendations for further enhancing comfortably exceed this requirement
infrastructure. Notably, Qatar also attained the gaming experience in the region. It on 4G while significantly surpassing it
the third-highest game score in the suggests that GCC operators can continue on 5G. In addition to download speeds,
Middle East, an impressive 82.81 out of to improve by investing in 5G infrastructure, upload speed also plays a crucial role in
100, on a scale that evaluates the overall encouraging more customers to migrate to multiplayer gaming, and GCC markets
gaming experience. Ookla noted that this 5G, and establishing local gaming servers. excel in this regard. Qatar, Bahrain, and
achievement directly correlates with the These measures are seen as crucial for the the UAE are noted for offering the fastest
exceptional mobile network performance region, given its large youth demographic, upload speeds, reaching a maximum
in the Qatari market, enhancing the a burgeoning casual gaming community, of 38.48Mbps. The report concludes by
highlighting the untapped potential of the
gaming market in the GCC region, which
can experience tremendous growth with
continued investments in robust telecom
infrastructure. The investments made
by Gulf operators in 5G infrastructure
have not only improved their Game Score
rankings but have also demonstrated their
dedication to fostering the gaming industry.
Ookla suggests that the region can further
minimize latency and enhance the gaming
experience by deploying local gaming
servers, edge computing infrastructure,
and 5G SA technology, positioning it to
lead in game development and nurture a
thriving local gaming ecosystem.