Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        KDDI Partners with SpaceX to Bring Satellite-to-Cellular Service to Japan

        The  Japanese  telecom  provider  KDDI
        announced that it has signed an agreement
        with SpaceX  to introduce  satellite-to-
        cellular service  in Japan. Leveraging
        SpaceX's  Starlink  low  earth  orbit (LEO)
        satellites and KDDI's  extensive national
        wireless  spectrum, this partnership aims
        to enhance  cellular connectivity  in areas,
        including  remote islands  and mountains
        that have been traditionally hard to
        reach  using  conventional  4G and 5G
        networks.  As  per  the statement,  the joint
        initiative builds on the common vision of
        "connecting the unconnected," to empower
        users in remote regions  with  seamless
        cellular  connectivity.  KDDI and SpaceX
        plan to roll out SMS text services as early
        as 2024, with plans to extend to voice and
        data  services subsequently.  "Almost all   Network  Operators  (MNO),  bringing  connect  to satellites. SpaceX's  Starlink
        existing smartphones on the KDDI network   the  next-generation  satellite-enabled  delivers high-speed,  low-latency internet
        will  be compatible with this new  service   connectivity  to their customers.  KDDI's   to users all over the world. As the world's
        as  it  employs  the device's  existing radio   au network is said to provide 99.9 percent   first  and  largest  satellite  constellation
        services," said  the statement. Both the   "population  coverage"  to  the people  of   using  a  low Earth orbit, Starlink  says  it
        partners, KDDI  and SpaceX  also  extend   Japan. Further to its efforts, KDDI says it   will  deliver broadband internet  capable
        an invitation to mobile network operators   will provide "connecting the unconnected"   of supporting streaming,  online gaming,
        globally to join the ecosystem  of Mobile   experience,  by  enabling  smartphones  to   video calls and more.

        YahClick and NIGCOMSAT Partner to Expand Broadband Penetration

        YahClick, the data  solutions subsidiary  of  the UAE’s  flagship   and will see YahClick work closely with NIGCOMSAT to provide
        satellite  solutions provider Al  Yah  Satellite Communications   faster and more reliable broadband internet  connectivity.  The
        Company (YahSat), has partnered with Nigerian Communications   improvements, say the partners, will result in speed increases of up
        Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) to expand broadband penetration in sub-  to 25 Mbps for standard profiles and up to 100 Mbps for dedicated
        Saharan Africa  and boost  access  to critical electronic  services   corporate users. This, the partners say, will empower the delivery
        across the region. The project is expected to begin in Q4 2023   of essential education, health, and a wide range of other public and
                                                               corporate services. YahClick says its expertise and cutting-edge
                                                               technology will enable the rollout of e-government applications
                                                               and help accelerate Nigeria’s digitization plans, providing unserved
                                                               and underserved  communities  with uninterrupted  internet.
                                                               A steering  committee compromising  executives from both
                                                               companies has been formed to ensure the implementation of the
                                                               project is aligned to the national requirement and essential service
                                                               institutions in Nigeria. Sulaiman Al Ali, Yahsat’s Chief Commercial
                                                               Officer, explains: “Our partnership will play an important role in
                                                               helping the Nigerian government as well as private organizations
                                                               roll out critical electronic services to underserved and unserved
                                                               communities across the country. For Nigeria’s digitization drive
                                                               to be successful,  it is imperative that in-country infrastructure
                                                               is  reliable enough to  deliver uninterrupted  services. YahClick
                                                               has extensive experience  in providing  advanced  and affordable
                                                               technologies that are easily accessible in remote regions.”

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