Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 110


        UK Competition Regulator Opposes Microsoft-Activision Merger

        The  UK’s  Competition  and  Markets  Au-
        thority  (CMA)  has  found  that  Microsoft’s
        proposed acquisition of gaming company
        Activision Blizzard could harm competition
        across multiple markets.  The CMA’s provi-
        sional  conclusions,  issued  on  8  February,
        found that  the  deal  would likely  impact
        competition in cloud gaming services and
        the  supply of consoles.    The  provisional
        findings come after five months of investi-
        gation into the $69 billion deal, announced
        in  January  2022  and  cover  antitrust  con-
        cerns  regarding  the  supply  of both  cloud
        gaming services and consoles.  The merger
        has proved controversial, attracting regula-
        tory scrutiny from several other authorities,
        including in Brussels and Washington.  The   company would reduce competition, poten-  Alaily, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President
        CMA is now seeking input from the com-  tially harming UK gamers and impacting the   and Deputy General Counsel, in response to
        panies involved, as well as comments from   future of the gaming environment. The UK   the  CMA’s  findings.    “Our  commitment  to
        interested parties ahead of its final report   regulator also found that a small number of   grant long-term 100% equal access to Call
        on the acquisition, due by 26 April.   The UK   high-profile  games,  including  Call  of  Duty,   of Duty to Sony, Nintendo, Steam and oth-
        competition authority will advance a probe   are key in driving competition between dif-  ers preserves the deal’s benefits to gamers
        into Microsoft’s acquisition  of gaming   ferent consoles and that it would likely be   and developers and increases competition
        company Activision Blizzard, it announced.    to Microsoft’s  commercial advantage  to   in  the  market.  75%  of  respondents  to  the
        Following the launch of initial proceedings   make Activision’s games again either only   CMA ‘s public consultation agree that this
        looking into the deal last July, the CMA in   available on its own consoles or available   deal is good for competition in UK gaming.”
        September announced that it would move   on others, but under materially worse con-  The UK is not the only jurisdiction in which
        ahead with a formal investigation into what   ditions.  The CMA noted that buying game   concerns about the  merger have been
        would be Microsoft’s largest acquisition to   studios  and  then  making  their  content   raised. In December, the US Federal Trade
        date.  The purchase would make the tech   available  only on Microsoft’s  own plat-  Commission issued a complaint requesting
        giant one of the largest gaming companies   forms has been a strategy used by the com-  that the deal be blocked, referring to what it
        by revenue, which prompted concerns from   pany before in previous purchases.  Given   described as “Microsoft’s record of acquir-
        the UK watchdog that control by Microsoft   the  close  competition  between  Xbox  and   ing and using valuable gaming content to
        over Activision’s most popular games, such   Sony-owned PlayStation, Microsoft’s ability   suppress competition from rival consoles”.
        as Call of Duty, could harm rivals and lead   to gatekeep access to games such as Call   The EU launched its own full-scale investi-
        to industry dominance. The CMA said that   of Duty could, the CMA said, lead to higher   gation into the deal in November after Mi-
        its investigation indicated that it would ben-  prices and lower quality for UK gamers over   crosoft chose not to put forward any pro-
        efit Microsoft to make Activision’s games   time.  In a statement of possible remedies,   posed concessions to alleviate preliminary
        exclusive to, or available at a much higher   the  CMA  suggested  that  Microsoft  could   concerns outlined  by  the  European  Com-
        quality  on,  its  own  cloud  gaming  service.    ensure that games such as Call of Duty are   mission. According to media reports, Mic-
        Given Microsoft’s existing presence in this   available to other platforms after the merg-  rosoft  received  a  statement  of objections
        market,  including  its  ownership  of  Xbox,   er. “We  are  committed  to offering  effec-  from  the  EU  antitrust  authority  last  week,
        Azure and Windows, the regulator conclud-  tive and easily enforceable  solutions that   marking the start of the second phase of
        ed that buying an already powerful gaming   address  the  CMA’s  concerns,”  said  Rima   the investigation.

        EC to Rule on Orange-VOO Deal by 11 April

        EU  antitrust  regulators  will  decide  by  11   concerns.  Orange  announced  a  final   EC temporarily halted its investigation into
        April whether to approve Orange Belgium’s   agreement  to  acquire  a  75%  minus  one   the deal last October to give Orange time to
        bid  to  acquire  a  majority stake  in  cable   share of regional quad-play operator  VOO   reach a wholesale agreement with Telenet,
        operator  VOO. The  decision  to  restart  the   in December 2021, based on an enterprise   enabling its rival to access VOO’s network
        phase II investigation comes after Orange   value  of  EUR1.8  billion  (USD1.95  billion).   in  Wallonia  and  provide  fixed-mobile
        announced  a  fixed  network  access  deal   Having  warned the  proposed  transaction   converged services throughout Belgium.
        with  rival  Telenet  to  address  competition   could significantly reduce competition, the
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