Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        FCC Proposes New Rules for CPNI Data Breach Reporting

                                             customer  network proprietary information   The  NPRM  also  seeks  public  input  on
                                             ("CPNI").  The  FCC  proposal  would  make   several other key issues related to breach
                                             substantial  changes  to  the  existing  CPNI   reporting, including: whether the proposed
                                             data  breach  notification  requirements,   changes  to  the  CPNI  breach  reporting
                                             including those to:                 rules also should be applied to the breach
                                             •   Expand  the  definition  of  a  covered   reporting  rules for  telecommunications
                                               "breach"  to  include  inadvertent  CPNI   relay  services  (TRSs)  and  video  relay
                                               breaches;                         services  (VRSs);  whether  the  FCC  has
                                             •   Require  notification  to  the  FCC,  in   authority to promulgate breach reporting
                                               addition to federal law enforcement;  rules  for other  types  of information  held
                                             •   Require  notification  to  the  FCC  and   by  telecommunications  carriers  and
                                               federal  law  enforcement  "as  soon   VoIP  providers—including  Social  Security
        The Federal Communications Commission   as  practicable,"  replacing  the  current   numbers and financial account information;
        ("FCC"  or  "Commission")  has  released   requirement  to notify  within  seven   and  how the  FCC might  align  its  breach
        its  long-awaited  Notice  of  Proposed   business days of discovery;    reporting  rules  to  parallel  state  and
        Rulemaking  ("NPRM")  proposing  to  revise   •   Remove the existing seven-business-day   federal  reporting  requirements,  including
        data  breach  reporting  requirements  waiting  period for  notifying  customers   the  forthcoming cyber incident  reporting
        for telecommunications  carriers and   or disclosing  the  breach  following  law   requirements  for critical  infrastructure
        providers of interconnected voice over   enforcement notification; and   from the  Cybersecurity and  Infrastructure
        internet protocol ("VoIP") service involving   •   Adopt  minimum  requirements  for  the   Security Agency (CISA).
        unauthorized access to, use or disclosure of   contents of customer notifications.

        New Panama Licensing Process Underway; Newcomer Must Serve 500,000

        Subs Elsewhere

        Pre-qualification for the award of Panama’s   in   the   1900MHz   band   (1850MHz-  in another market and serve no fewer than
        new  mobile  license  is  now  underway,  as   1865MHz/1930MHz-1945MHz)   and   500,000 mobile subscriptions. With LatAm-
        the  National  Public  Services  Authority   2×10MHz  in  the  700MHz  band  (738MHz-  focused  groups Millicom International
        (Autoridad  Nacional  de  los  Servicios   748MHz/793MHz-803MHz).  The  licenses   Cellular  (MIC)  and  Liberty  Latin  America
        Publicos,  ASEP)  seeks  to  fill  the  void   will be valid for 20 years. The regulator has   (LLA)  already  present  in  Panama,  and
        created  by  the  exit  of  Digicel  Panama.   emphasized  that  it  is  seeking  a licensee   Telefonica, America Movil (AM) and Digicel
        The  first  stage  of  the  licensing  process   with  strong  credentials,  rather  than  an   Group all exiting the sector in recent years
        started  on  12  January  and  will  remain   untried  player and has  stipulated that the   there is no obvious candidate for the new
        open  until  16  March  2023.  Public  tender   successful applicant  must have at least   concession.
        No.  01-2023-Telco  will  include  2×15MHz   five years’ experience as a mobile licensee

        ER-Telecom Buys Out  Rostec from

        AKADO Ownership

        Russian fixed broadband operator ER-Telecom has increased its
        ownership  stake  in  Moscow  cableco  AKADO Telecom  by  taking
        sole  ownership  of  the  75%-minus-one-share  it  previously  held
        jointly  with  state-owned  conglomerate  Rostec,  reports  CNews
        citing  representatives  of  ER  and  Rostec  and  information  from
        the  Unified  State  Register  of  Legal  Entities.  No  financial  details
        were disclosed. In January 2022 ER and Rostec jointly bought the
        75%-minus-one-share stake in AKADO while existing shareholder
        AVK Investments (led by Russian businessman Maxim Mayorets)
        retained the other 25%-plus-one-share.
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