Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 116


        PTA Issues Regulatory Initiatives for Affordable Telecom Services and Digital


        Critical frameworks have been developed by the Pakistan Telecom-  the objective to maximize the social, economic, and technological
        munication Authority (PTA) for the digital transformation of Paki-  benefits  of  this  natural  resource.  Spectrum  Management  is  the
        stan as envisioned in the Telecom Policy 2015. These frameworks   process  to  regulate  the  use  of  radio  frequencies  in  an  efficient
        will reduce unnecessary inefficiency and prove minimum impact   manner. RF Spectrum Re-Farming Framework (Section 8.5): PTA/
        on the operators while they ensure accessibility and availability of   PEMRA  in  consultation  with  FAB  was  mandated  to  propose  a
        affordable digital/telecom services across the country.  spectrum re-farming  framework  to be  approved  by  the  Federal
        Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework (Section 7.5)  Government (MoIT).
        PTA was to develop the necessary regulatory instrument to encour-  •   Spectrum will be re-farmed where its current use is not in the
        age, facilitate and standardize infrastructure sharing in consulta-  best social and economic interests of Pakistan, it is underuti-
        tion with Federal Government (Ministry of Information Technology   lized, used inefficiently or its use is inconsistent with internation-
        and Telecommunication) and stakeholders. There is a great need   al allocations.
        for telecom infrastructure sharing in Pakistan due to increasing in-  •   The re-farming will ensure the reassignment of frequencies to
        flation, low Avg Revenue Per User (ARPU), increasing fuel prices,   uses with greater social and commercial benefits than are attain-
        revenue  challenges,  the  requirement  of  massive  CapEx  for  new   able from the prevailing assignment of those frequencies.
        technologies like 5G, connecting the unconnected in remote/rural   PTA in collaboration with PEMRA, FAB, industry stakeholders, and
        areas, cost-effective means to address capacity demand growth,   MoITT has developed a regulatory framework after an extensive
        social benefits, and nationwide coverage.              consultation process with stakeholders that will be submitted after
        Some salient features are:                             Authority approval in due course of time to MoITT for approval by
        •   The framework has been developed by PTA based on the princi-  the Federal Government.
          ples of neutrality, non-discrimination, and equal access, consid-  RF Spectrum Sharing Framework (Section 8.16):
          ering regional & international best practices.       PTA & PEMRA in consultation with FAB and stakeholders was to
        •   The framework will provide a mechanism for licensees to share   develop RF Spectrum Sharing Framework for approval by Federal
          their telecom infrastructure facilities that would include passive   Government. On the directions of GoP, PTA has prepared a draft
          (towers space, ducts, etc.) as well as active (Access Network –   framework after multiple rounds of consultation were carried out
          BTS, BSC/RNC, Microwave, etc.) components.           with the industry and all internal/external stakeholders. Cross-in-
        The draft Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework, after exten-  dustry concerns and comments on the draft frameworks were an-
        sive and multiple industry consultation rounds, was approved by   alyzed. Considerable progress has been made for the formulation
        the Authority in November 2022 and submitted to Ministry of Infor-  of spectrum sharing  considering  all  international  developments
        mation Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT) for policy-lev-  and market dynamics. Draft Framework is now undergoing a final
        el approval by Federal Government.                     review and will be shared with MoITT for approval.
        Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum Management               Satellite Telecommunication Framework
        RF Spectrum is a scarce and limited natural resource. It is the oil that   PTA has been working on the formulation of the Satellite Telecom-
        powers the Wireless Broadband. The availability of RF spectrum   munication Licensing Framework pursuant to a mandate given to
        for technological  developments &  to meet  increasing  capacity   it. To firm up an agreed framework on Regulatory and Financial as-
        demands of broadband in the telecom industry is crucial. In order   pects of the satellite services in Pakistan, an inter-Ministerial Com-
        to meet the growing demands of the RF spectrum, the regulators   mittee (IMC) was constituted by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. In
        have focused on the latest trends in spectrum management with   this regard, PTA has proposed a regulatory and licensing frame-
                                                               work for  satellite  services  proliferation  in  the  country.  The  pro-
                                                               posed framework covers the licensing of Fixed Satellite Services
                                                               (FSS), Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) – Global Mobile Personal
                                                               Communication Services (GMPCS), and Maritime & Aeronautical
                                                               Satellite Services (On-Board Internet Connectivity (OIC), with spe-
                                                               cial consideration to spectrum management, keeping in view the
                                                               protection of existing services/users. The framework also outlines
                                                               a registration process (Earth station, VSATs, etc.), taking into con-
                                                               sideration the best international practices. This draft proposal has
                                                               been submitted to MoITT for issuance of policy directives in order
                                                               to introduce the satellite telecommunication licensing  regime in
                                                               Pakistan.  PTA  acknowledges  the  continued  engagement  &  sup-
                                                               port of the telecom industry and specially MoITT, FAB & PEMRA in
                                                               the development of these vital & high-impact frameworks that will
                                                               drive the sector forward.

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