Page 13 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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at the forefront, and an environmental energy efficient, e-waste needs to be • Satellite can help here to move towards
protection mindset will allow for forge reduced, and ICTs need to be greener. more sustainable infrastructure
new partnerships with new players. • Digital services from an investment • Need to drive complementarity and
• Universal connectivity is still not sustainability perspective are not interoperability is key to ensure that
achieved and key barriers are still in “sustainable”, there is no perpetual complementarity in networks can be
place, with lack of affordability still the “status quo” because of changes in achieved
frontrunner. Big disparities persist in infrastructure. • Regulation is not fast enough – need
Internet use and connectivity: 3.6 billion • Society is a key factor for pick up - to be much more agile – Saudi is
people that do not use the Internet, Digitization should not only be used for doing great with including Space in the
coverage gap is the smallest gap “consumption”, but also for “creation” Regulatory Authority
whereas the usage gap is the largest • Public Sector needs to be an “early” • Synergies among infrastructure
gap. adopter – standards, platforms, setting builders, digital service providers, and
• Data centers need to become more up rules – digital government governments are key in sustainable