Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Beyond ONE Buys VMMEA

                                                               Beyond  ONE,  an  investment  firm  a  part  of  Priora  Management
                                                               Holding Dubai, has acquired regional MVNO group Virgin Mobile
                                                               Middle  East–Africa  (VMMEA).  VMMEA  has  MVNO  operations
                                                               in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait under the Virgin and FRiENDi
                                                               brands, plus a licensing arrangement with Du in the United Arab
                                                               Emirates (UAE) to allow Du to operate its Virgin Mobile UAE sub-
                                                               brand. Previous shareholders in VMMEA included Virgin Group, Gulf
                                                               Investment  Corporation,  ePlanet  Ventures,  National  Technology
                                                               Enterprises Company, Dolphin International and Global Telecom.
                                                               UK-based Virgin Group has retained a minority stake in VMMEA
                                                               and  a  seat  on  its  board.  VMMEA  serves  around  three  million
                                                               customers across its countries of operation.

        Oman Ranks 4th in UN List for E-Govt Services

        Oman  is  ranked  fourth  in  the  2022   been  identified,  and  it  is  necessary  for   with  the  use  of new  digital  technologies
        Government   Electronic  and  Mobile  each country to deliver them electronically   such as virtual reality. He also highlighted
        Services (GEMS) Maturity Index issued by   for  individuals  and  businesses.’  Reliance   the importance of cooperation and shared
        the  United Nations  Economic  and Social   on e-government  services  has  generally   experiences  among countries  in  order to
        Commission  for  Western  Asia  (ESCWA).   increased  in  the  Arab  region  compared   avoid  duplication  of  effort,  particularly
        The  index  measures  the  maturity  of   to  2021,  especially  in  educational  and   since  the  report indicates  that  there  is  a
        government  services  provided  through   financial institutions, but more efforts must   widening  gap  between  Arab  countries,
        electronic portals  and  smart  applications   be  exerted  to  digitize  services  in  other   causing results to range between one and
        according to three pillars, which are service   sectors such as justice and tourism. These   87 per cent. In addition, the report highlights
        availability  and  development,  service  use   are the key findings of the fourth edition of   the  role  of digital  government  services
        and  satisfaction,  and  the  government’s   the GEMS index on the Arab region issued   in  increasing  efficiency,  reducing  waste
        efforts to public outreach. Of the 18 Arab   annually  by  ESCWA  since  2019.  Nawar  al   and  corruption,  promoting  transparency,
        countries  that  participated  in  the  2022   Awa, ESCWA GEMS project lead, said that   providing  accountability and achieving
        index,  Saudi  Arabia  was  ranked  first,   there is  need  to promote the  maturity of   economic growth. It also mentions the key
        followed  by  Qatar  and  the  UAE.  Oman   these services at the national level, even in   role of digital  governments  in  promoting
        improved  its  year-on-year  score  from  64   high-assessment  states,  by  keeping  pace   equality among citizens.
        per cent to 69, a growth of 7.8 per cent, and
        its ranking by one place, compared to fifth
        in 2021, through better performance in two
        pillars. The first is the use of the service and
        user  satisfaction,  from  46.35  per  cent  in
        2021 to 58.08 per cent in 2022, and second
        in the public outreach pillar, from 67.70 per
        cent in 2021 to 72.14 per cent in 2022. A
        total of 24 institutions were included in the
        evaluation in Oman, along with 84 services
        across several sectors, such as commerce
        and  industry,  health,  education,  transport,
        traffic,  police,  tourism,  municipal  affairs,
        labor  and  justice.  According  to  ESCWA,
        the  index  is  a tool that  enables  decision
        and  policy  makers  to  monitor digital
        transformation programmes, and it seeks to
        bridge the gap in most of the international
        indicators,  related  to  service  maturity,  its
        use, user satisfaction, and public outreach.
        ‘To this end, 84 government services have

                                                                                             71   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76