Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Saudi Arabia Bets $9 Billion On Future Tech and Startups at LEAP23

        The four-day LEAP23 event in Riyadh kicked   edge  technologies  in  promising sectors.   included Meta opening the first Metaverse
        off with the announcement of over $9 billion   This year, the event is expected to attract   Academy  in  the  MENA  region,  the  launch
        in investments focused on supporting future   over  250,000  visitors. The  event  supports   of Hektar, a multi-content social media app
        technologies, digital entrepreneurship, and   the  kingdom’s  efforts  in  positioning  itself   by  WEO  Technology  and  Camel  Lab,  and
        tech  startups.  Revealed  by  the  Minister   as  a leading  nation  in  the  digital  market   the  introduction  of  Beem,  a  new  instant
        of Communications  and Information   in  the  Middle  East  and  North  Africa   messaging app with high-quality voice and
        Technology,  Eng.  Abdullah  bin  Amer   region, with active investments worth over   video calls, and business features by MENA
        Alswaha,  during  his  keynote  address  on   $42  billion.  In  Saudi  Arabia,  more  than   Communication and STC. At the sidelines
        the  event’s  opening  day,  the  investments   340,000 people are employed in the digital,   of  LEAP23,  the  inaugural  DeepFest,  in
        are  aimed  at  cementing  Saudi  Arabia’s   telecommunications, and IT sectors, with a   partnership  with  the  Saudi  Data  &  AI
        position  as  the  largest  digital  market  in   32.5 percent female participation rate, which   Authority, will bring together global leaders
        the  Middle  East  and  North  Africa  region.   surpasses those in both the EU and Silicon   in AI to showcase life-changing innovations
        The  investments  include  Microsoft’s  $2.1   Valley.  Alswaha  also  announced  plans  to   in a conference with sector-specific tracks,
        billion  in  a  global  cloud  in  the  Kingdom,   enhance  the  outcomes  of  LEAP23,  which   live  demos,  and  an  exhibition.  Themed
        Oracle’s $1.5 billion investment to expand   include diversifying the economy, localizing   “AI  Beyond  Imagination”,  the  conference
        its  business  in  the  region,  Huawei’s  $400   technology,  and  advancing  industries.  He   will  feature  government  AI  initiatives  and
        million  investment  in  cloud  infrastructure,   emphasized  the  significance  of  LEAP23   innovations from thought-leaders, big tech,
        and  a  Zoom  cloud  area  partnership  with   as one of the world’s leading annual global   data  scientists,  innovators,  enterprises,
        Aramco.  The  MCIT  Minister  also  stated   technology platforms and its  ability  to   academia,  startups  and  more.  The
        that  an  additional  $4.5  billion  has  been   bring  together  innovators,  entrepreneurs,   conference  program includes  tracks  for
        invested  in  various  assets  globally  and   thought  leaders,  and  attract  investments   clean  tech,  the  Metaverse,  and  women  in
        locally at LEAP23. Alswaha highlighted that   to new and innovative areas. Other notable   technology. The exhibition will feature top
        the  significant  investments  have  the  full   announcements on the first day of LEAP23   tech companies and breakthrough stars.
        support of HRH Crown Prince Mohammed
        bin Salman. These investments are a part
        of  the  Crown  Prince’s  efforts  to  boost
        the  technology  sector,  which  is  a  rapidly
        growing and  promising  industry in  Saudi
        Arabia  with  a  thriving  digital  economy,
        advancements in IoT, healthtech, quantum
        science,  space  and  satellite  technology,
        fintech,   and   open-source   initiatives.
        LEAP23  aims  to  accelerate  the  country’s
        digital transformation and the Crown Prince
        remains  dedicated  to meeting  the  goals
        of Vision 2030 through the use of cutting-

        Oracle to Invest $1.5 Billion in Saudi Arabia to Meet Cloud Computing Demands

        Located in Riyadh, the new cloud region will   futuristic city of NEOM. This investment is   the  Oracle  Cloud  Jeddah  Region.  “In  the
        be part of a planned $1.5 billion investment   included in an MoU that Oracle has signed   last  century,  Saudi  Arabia  transformed  its
        from Oracle to expand cloud infrastructure   with  the  Ministry of Communications and   economy by  developing  the  infrastructure
        capabilities  in  the  Kingdom.  To  meet  the   Information  Technology  (MCIT)  to  help   needed  to  produce,  refine,  process  and
        rapidly  growing demand  for its  cloud   Saudi Arabian businesses take advantage   transport  hydrocarbons.  This  century
        services, Oracle announced plans to open   of the latest innovations in the cloud. The   we are  committed to creating  the  digital
        a third public cloud region in Saudi Arabia.   MoU was signed during Oracle CEO, Safra   infrastructure that  will  underpin  future
        Located in Riyadh, the new cloud region will   Catz’s recent visit to Riyadh in the presence   economies,”  said  His  Excellency  Khalid
        be part of a planned $1.5 billion investment   of  His  Excellency  Eng.  Haitham  AlOhali,   Al-Falih,  Minister  of  Investment.  “Oracle’s
        from Oracle to expand cloud infrastructure   Vice Minister, Ministry of Communications   decision  to expand  its  cloud computing
        capabilities  in  the  Kingdom.  The  Oracle   and  Information  Technology (MCIT).   capacity in the Kingdom will play a key role
        Cloud  Riyadh  Region  will  join  the  existing   To quickly meet  the  requirements  of its   in  unlocking  the  opportunities  that  rapid
        Oracle Cloud Jeddah Region and the planned   growing  cloud  business  in  Saudi  Arabia,   technological  advancements  are creating.
        Oracle  Cloud  Region  to  be  located  in  the   Oracle  will  also  expand  the  capacity  of   MISA will continue in its quest to enable the

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