Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        OneWeb & Galaxy Provide LEO Satellite Comms to PEARL Research Station in

        Northern Canada

        OneWeb’s  satellite  connectivity  services   research community in the world. For almost   of Toronto. “Our provider Galaxy Broadband,
        have  been  deployed  at  one  of the   20 years PEARL has solely relied on C-band   with  OneWeb,  has  enabled  us  to  have  a
        northernmost  research  stations  in  geostationary satellites for its connectivity,   high-bandwidth experience, with less cost
        the  world.  The  satellite  firm  and  local   which  also  serves  other  services  nearby   and  with  far  lower  latency.”  Pierre  Fogal,
        distribution  partner  Galaxy  Broadband   including  the  Eureka  Weather Station.   PEARL site manager, added: “The addition
        have  deployed  OneWeb  terminals  at  the   Despite  limited  uplink  bandwidth,  more   of this  link  allows us  to greatly  expand
        Polar  Environment  Atmospheric  Research   than  25  instruments  at  PEARL  produce   our  data  transfer  capacity,  so  we  have  a
        Laboratory  (PEARL),  a  science  station   multiple  gigabytes  of  data  per  day,  in   much  better  response  when controlling
        in  remote  northern  Canada.  Conducting   addition  to the  station’s  communication   instruments  remotely  and  can allow  our
        atmospheric and climate research, PEARL   and broadcast needs. “Today, we are able   personnel  to make use of streaming
        is located at the Eureka research base on   to  access  the  high-speed,  low-latency   technologies  for meetings  and personal
        Ellesmere Island, Qikiqtaaluk Region, in the   communications services  provided  by   contacts.  This  connection will  enhance
        far northern Canadian territory of Nunavut.   low Earth orbit satellite connectivity,” said   the  two-way  communication we  have
        It  is  the  third-northernmost  permanent   James Drummond, Professor at University   between  our  on-site  staff  and  the  south.”
                                                                                 Established  in  2005,  PEARL  includes  the
                                                                                 Ridge  Lab  building,  originally  built  by  the
                                                                                 Meteorological Service of Canada in 1992
                                                                                 to  hold  the  Arctic  Stratospheric  Ozone
                                                                                 Observatory  (AstrO);  the  Zero  (0)  Altitude
                                                                                 PEARL Auxiliary Laboratory (0PAL); and the
                                                                                 Surface  Atmospheric  Flux  and  IRradiation
                                                                                 Extension  (SAFIRE).  Howard  Stanley,
                                                                                 OneWeb’s  VP  for  the  Americas,  said:  “We
                                                                                 are delighted  that  everyone stationed
                                                                                 at  PEARL  now  can  access  high-speed
                                                                                 connectivity  with  low  latency,  not  just  for
                                                                                 the long-term benefit of valuable scientific
                                                                                 research, but also for themselves and their
                                                                                 community.”  Galaxy  became  a  OneWeb
                                                                                 distribution  partner  in  September  2021
                                                                                 and  announced  a  $50  million  partnership
                                                                                 this month. The firm has already deployed
                                                                                 OneWeb services to more than 75 locations
                                                                                 throughout  Canada.  Rival  satellite  firm
                                                                                 Starlink  has  deployed  its  terminals  in
                                                                                 Antarctica  to  support  the  US  National
                                                                                 Science  Foundation’s  operations  there.
                                                                                 Antarctica  is  the  last  remaining  continent
                                                                                 without a subsea fiber cable, with research
                                                                                 stations  across  the  region  entirely  reliant
                                                                                 on  satellite  communications.  The  US
                                                                                 McMurdo  Antarctic  station,  located  on
                                                                                 Ross Island, has around 25Mbps to share
                                                                                 between up to 1,000 people in the Austral
                                                                                 summer. The South Pole is entirely reliant
                                                                                 on communications  from three  aging
                                                                                 satellites. However, a number of parties are
                                                                                 exploring the possibility of building a cable
                                                                                 to Antarctica to support research missions.

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