Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 87


        Ontario Firm Signs $67M Deal to Provide Satellite Internet to Nunavut Businesses

        Galaxy Broadband Communications Inc. has struck a $67-million   to  people  in  remote  areas,  similar  to  Starlink.  But  Galaxy
        deal  to provide  satellite  internet  service to businesses  in  the   Broadband  will  focus  on  internet  for  businesses,  organizations
        territory. The Ontario-based communications company announced   and governments in Nunavut. That service is expected in Iqaluit by
        the  deal.  It’s  a  partnership  with  OneWeb,  which  provides  the   March, said Doug Harvey, vice-president of business development,
        satellites.  OneWeb  uses  low-orbit  satellites  to  provide  internet   sales  and  marketing  for  Galaxy  Broadband,  in  an  interview  with
                                                               Nunatsiaq News. “It just made sense for us to be able to lock up
                                                               that bandwidth and deliver this service,” he said. The company aims
                                                               to have all 25 Nunavut communities in service by the end of the
                                                               year. Galaxy Broadband already offers satellite internet to mining
                                                               companies,  such  as  Agnico  Eagle,  so  expanding  further  North
                                                               was the next step, said Harvey. He said low-orbit satellites provide
                                                               connections less latency, which is the amount of time an internet
                                                               connection lag. OneWeb satellites have a 140 millisecond latency,
                                                               while before low-orbit satellite internet was available in Nunavut,
                                                               latencies were closer to a 650-millisecond range. This will be better
                                                               for work features, such as virtual meetings, according to Harvey.
                                                               “That’s going to make a big difference,” he said. Galaxy Broadband
                                                               has reached out to federal, territorial and municipal governments,
                                                               Harvey said, however he declined comment on those discussions.

        Inmarsat-6 F2 Satellite Arrives in Florida Aboard an Airbus Beluga

        The    second    Airbus-built   Inmarsat-6   geostationary   for customers into the  2030s  and  beyond.  Investments  made
        telecommunications satellite (I-6 F2) has arrived on board an Airbus   by  Airbus  in  platform  and  payload  technologies  used  on  I-6  are
        Beluga at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida ready for its launch   supported by the European Space Agency and national agencies,
        in  February.  The  second satellite  of the  Inmarsat-6  generation   in  particular  the  UK  Space  Agency  and  CNES,  France’s  National
        is based on Airbus’ ultra-reliable Eurostar E3000 spacecraft and   Centre for Space Studies. I-6 F2 has a launch mass of 5.5 tonnes,
        will be the 58th Eurostar E3000 built by Airbus. It will be the ninth   spacecraft power of 21kW and a design life of more than 15 years.
        Eurostar in orbit that is equipped with electric propulsion for orbit   The first Airbus-built Inmarsat-6 (I-6 F1) satellite was successfully
        raising, reinforcing Airbus’ position as a ‘world leader’ in electric   launched in December 2021. It reached its geostationary testing
        propulsion.  François  Gaullier,  head  of  telecommunications  and   location in summer 2022 and is scheduled to enter service in early
        navigation systems at Airbus, said: “I-6 F2, with its sophisticated   2023. I-6 F2 is set to follow after its successful launch and enter
        digitally processed payload, will join Inmarsat-6 F1 (I-6 F1) in orbit   service in early 2024. Airbus’ geostationary telecommunications
        giving Inmarsat even more flexibility, capability and capacity. This   satellites  have  clocked  up  more  than  1,300  years  of  successful
        is the 10th geo-telecommunications satellite we have built for our   operation  and  are  in  service or being  built  for all  of the  world’s
        long-term customer Inmarsat, a leading provider of global mobile   leading geostationary satellite operators.
        satellite communication services, and with I-6 F1 the satellites will
        enable a step change in the capabilities and capacity for their Elera
        services, and deliver significant additional capacity for their Global
        Xpress network.” I-6 F1 and I-6 F2 each feature a large 9m aperture
        L-band antenna and six multi-beam Ka-band antennas, giving a high
        level of flexibility and connectivity. They also carry new generation
        modular  digital  processors  to  provide  full  routing  flexibility  with
        more than 8,000 channels and dynamic power allocation to over
        200 spot beams in L-band, per spacecraft. The Ka-band spot beams
        are steerable over the full Earth disk, with flexible channel to beam
        allocation. The satellites will enable Inmarsat to further enhance
        its  ‘world-leading’  Elera  (L-band)  and  Global  Xpress  (Ka-band)
        networks respectively, for customers across land, sea and air. They
        are also the next step in the company’s plans for the world’s first
        multi-dimensional  network,  Inmarsat  Orchestra.  The  ‘network  of
        networks’ will build on Inmarsat’s existing space-based capabilities
        to provide a transformational growth in capacity and new features

                                                                                             87   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023
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