Page 18 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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        e& is World’s Fastest Growing Brand in The Latest Global 500 Brand Report

        e&,  a global  technology company, has   partner of the Formula 1® Etihad Airways   businesses,  and  communities  across
        achieved  exceptional  brand  value  growth   Abu  Dhabi  Grand  Prix,  have  brought  the   38  countries,  e&  has  built  a  powerful
        this  year and  is  ranked  by Brand  Finance   brand  to global  audiences,  enhancing  its   ecosystem  designed  to  inspire  growth,
        as  the  “World’s  Fastest  Growing Brand”   visibility and strengthening its position as a   enable innovation, and create opportunities
        in  their  Global  500  Brand  2025  report   leader in innovation and technology.  for a brighter, more connected future.
        released  earlier  during  World  Economic   The brand’s call to ‘Go for More’  A brand of global significance
        Forum  at  Davos. This  recognition  reflects   The  e&  brand, introduced  as  part of the   e&  is  also  ranked  among  the  Top  10
        a remarkable  eight-fold  increase  in  brand   group’s  strategic  transformation,  reflects   Most  Valuable  Telecom Brands  globally
        value versus last year, reaching an all-time   a  forward-looking  vision  that  transcends   according  to the Global 500  Brand  2025
        high brand value of USD15.3 billion for e&   traditional  telecommunications. Though   report.  The  company has  consistently
        as a standalone brand. This success is the   relatively young, it has quickly established   received  recognition  in  its  home  market,
        culmination of a three-year transformation   itself as a technology powerhouse, housing   including  from Kantar BrandZ, which
        journey,  during  which  e&  consolidated  its   five distinct business verticals that drive its   named  it  the  most  valuable  brand  in  the
        historic  “Etisalat”  brand  under  a  unified   growth  and  innovation.  Last  year’s  Brand   UAE in November 2024.
        identity.  The  significant  increase  of  e&’s   Finance Global 500 report ranked both the   The  Global 500  2025  report  again
        brand  portfolio  and  investment  value  in   e& and ‘etisalat by e&’ brands, with the latter   recognized  Hatem  Dowidar  as  the
        the  2025  report  was  driven  by  growth   now  fully  absorbed  into  e&,  significantly   "Telecom Guardian of the Year" for the third
        in  investments  and  portfolio  exceeding   enhancing  its  position  and  overall  brand   consecutive  year.  In  the  2025  rankings,
        USD 20 billion, including but not limited to   portfolio value in the rankings, which soared   he  achieved  an overall  position  of 39th
        PTCL  (Pakistan),  Mobily  (Saudi  Arabia),   700 per cent year-on-year. Since unveiling   and secured the  number  one spot in  the
        and the  acquisition of a controlling  stake   its  new brand  identity  in  2022,  e&  has   telecom  sector.  As  the  world’s  leading
        (50 per cent plus one economic share) in   quickly redefined what it means to deliver   brand valuation consultancy, Brand Finance
        the  service  and  infrastructure  companies   value to customers worldwide. Through its   has bridged the gap between marketing and
        of PPF  Telecom Group. Furthermore, this   inspiring  “Go for More” brand  positioning,   finance for more than 25 years. It evaluates
        growth was strengthened by the integration   the  global  technology  group highlights  a   the strength of brands and quantifies their
        of the historic Etisalat brand and an organic   dynamic portfolio that spans connectivity,   financial value to help organizations of all
        year-on-year growth for e& of 13 per cent   digital services, entertainment, fintech, and   kinds make strategic decisions. Every year,
        on a consolidated basis. e& also received   enterprise  solutions.  Brands  like  e&  UAE,   Brand  Finance  conducts  more  than  5,000
        a Brand Strength Index (BSI) rating of AAA,   Mobily KSA, and e& PPF Telecom provide   brand  valuations,  supported  by original
        with a score of 84.6 out of 100. In addition,   cutting-edge  connectivity, while  platforms   market  research, and  publishes  over 100
        e&’s  high-profile  partnerships,  including  a   such  as  STARZPLAY,  Charge&Go,  and  e&   reports that rank brands across all sectors
        15-year collaboration with Manchester City   money  simplify  and  enrich  everyday  life.   and countries.
        Football  Club  and  its  role  as  a  founding   With  a  focus on  empowering individuals,

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