Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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Innovation and Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Digital
With continuous advancements taking more advanced economies, the need for
place in the 5G mobile and 5G fixed dramatic steps to bridge the digital divides
networks, coupled with the integration of is becoming increasingly urgent. Moving
artificial intelligence (AI) and impactful towards gigabit broadband infrastructure
new broadband technologies, such as FWA, is critical in this journey, with AI playing
evolution of the digital infrastructure is an essential role in the automation and
very clear. These innovations are no longer optimization of these systems. Integration
isolated developments but are instead of AI ensures that digital networks are not
becoming inherently interdependent, driving only more effective but also better equipped
the future of economies, businesses, as well to adapt to the growing demands of the
as individuals. As digital transformation digital age. Thus, the role of AI in driving
accelerates globally, AI is no longer automation, enhancing network security,
simply a tool; it is becoming a catalyst for and improving the efficiency of broadband
creativity across diverse domains and for solutions and services stands out among
furthering innovation, making it central key innovations of our time.
to the development of next-generation Bocar A. BA
Chief Executive Officer
communication networks and digital Investment in the expansion of these & Board Member
services. networks, supported by intelligent SAMENA Telecommunications
automation and AI technologies, will be Council
Innovations in gigabit network technologies, crucial for sustainable growth. Technologies
paired with a worldwide push to meet such as 5G-Advanced, AI-driven network
the 17 SDGs and accelerate digital automation, and enhanced data digital transformation remains inclusive,
economic development, presents a wealth interoperability are already setting the stage secure, and sustainable. Harmonized
of opportunities—opportunities that are for the next decade of digital infrastructure. cooperation and collaboration building
directly tied to our growing reliance on These innovations are not just improving efforts on accelerating innovations and
robust, AI-enabled digital networks in existing systems but are fundamentally innovative use of AI would help ensure
this age of 5G and 5G-Advanced. The reimagining what is possible within the that the integration of AI and innovation-
integration of AI is not merely enhancing realm of digital connectivity. As AI continues fostering approaches remain the force
these systems; it is fundamentally reshaping to drive these advancements, we are laying propelling our Industry and the evolving
the way these technologies operate and the foundation for a more interconnected, digital society toward betterment and
interact. From optimizing connectivity and efficient, and sustainable future. sustainability. The symbiotic
automating services to enabling greater relationship between AI and emerging
data interoperability, AI is now the driving International cooperation will be crucial in digital technologies can play a central
force behind advancements in network realizing the full potential of AI and role in shaping our connected future,
infrastructure, laying the groundwork innovation in digital infrastructure. This here in the SA-ME-NA region, and
for more resilient and efficient digital cooperation can be strengthened with beyond. With focused investment from
ecosystems. concerted efforts from SAMENA Council’s the Private Sector, future-friendly
Members. As the international community policies from Governments, and global
In regions such as SA-ME-NA and its works together to advance these goals, the collaboration, sustainable and inclusive
neighboring areas, where the pace of digital role of AI in enabling smarter, more efficient digital transformation can be made
transformation aspires to reach that of the systems will be central to ensuring that achievable.
3 JAN-FEB 2025