Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 7
SAMENA Council On
AI-enabled Fiber Infrastructure
At Fiber Connect Council MENA 2025, SAMENA Council Identifies
Imperatives to Help Shape the Future of AI-Driven Fiber Infrastructure
SAMENA Telecommunications Council This requires that AI’s potential be fully across the entire telecommunications
contributed insights at the discussions that unlocked with one critical enabler—a ecosystem, from cost savings for Telecom
took place during the Fiber Connect Council robust, reliable, and intelligent fiber Operators to enhanced connectivity for
MENA 2025. The event provided a platform consumers, as national ICT visions near
for industry leaders, policymakers, and SAMENA Council con- fulfillment. MENA is not merely a participant
innovators to gather and explore the future tinues to champion the in this revolution—it is a leader. The
of AI-enabled fiber infrastructure in the innovations taking place in this part of the
region. In a keynote speech delivered by growth of fiber networks world today will shape the global AI
Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member of SAMENA across the region as the landscape tomorrow, and will set an
Council, emphasized the critical role that inspiring exampling for the neighboring
artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly foundation for sustain- regions, such as Central Asia and Africa."
playing in revolutionizing fiber networks, able digital economies, SAMENA Council continues to champion
driving operational efficiencies, and the growth of fiber networks across the
delivering transformative benefits to as is evident from three region as the foundation for sustainable
Operators and consumers alike. BA outlined SAMENA Accelerators digital economies, as is evident from three
how AI Fiber Infrastructure is transforming SAMENA Accelerators done by the Council
telecommunications, making networks done by the Council on on the fiber front, and its active collaboration
smarter, more scalable, and more resilient. the fiber front, and its- with entities such as the United Nations
These advancements are not only Development Program, targeting improved
enhancing connectivity but also paving the active collaboration digital inclusion and infrastructure
way for more personalized, affordable, and with entities such as the investment in the Arab States. The Council’s
secure digital services. In line with the focus aligns with regional efforts to
SAMENA Telecommunications Council’s United Nations Develop- leverage AI and fiber and fixed-network
ongoing commitment to fostering fiber and ment Program, targeting technologies, which are expected to drive
gigabit network growth throughout the significant advancements in various
SA-ME-NA and neighboring regions, BA improved digital inclu- sectors, including smart cities, IoT, and
highlighted the potential of AI in optimizing sion and infrastructure autonomous vehicles. With the rise of
network performance and meeting the AI-powered technologies, SAMENA
region’s growing data demands. As part of investment in the Arab Council’s first advocacy message to the
SAMENA Council’s mission to support the States. Industry at the start of the year 2025 was
digital transformation of the SA-ME_NA clear: Harness the true potential of these
region, the integration of AI into fiber innovations, industry stakeholders must
networks is seen as a key enabler for infrastructure. AI Fiber Infrastructure is not collaborate, overcome challenges such as
innovation and economic growth. BA just a tool for operational efficiency; it is a regulatory uncertainties, data integration
stated: The digital economy is maturing. strategic enabler, unlocking immense value issues, and skills gaps, and invest in
AI-driven infrastructure that will serve as
the backbone for the future of connectivity.
Moreover, SAMENA Telecommunications
Council remains committed to closely
collaborating with policymakers, regulators,
Operators, Tech Providers, and digital
ecosystem partners, to ensure continued
development and expansion of fiber
networks throughout the region, advancing
digital transformation and digital maturity,
and enabling greater economic and societal
prosperity throughout the region, especially
in the Arab States.
7 JAN-FEB 2025