Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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                         Latvian  telecoms  watchdog  the  Public  Utilities   The   Public   Utilities   Commission   (Sabiedrisko
                         Commission  (SPRK)  will  temporarily  suspend  its   Pakalpojumu  Regulesanas  Komisija,  SPRK)  has
                         internet  quality measurements until it completes   initiated a  public consultation  on new draft rules
                         development  and implementation  of a new system,   regarding interconnection. The regulation sets out the
        Latvia           based on a prototype system developed by the Body   requirements, deadlines and information that must be
                         of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
                                                                        disclosed  in  a  basic  interconnection  offer.  The  SPRK
                         (BEREC). The regulator expects the new measurement   notes that  the rules include  new obligations on the
                         tool to be in place during 2021 and, once it becomes   information  to be included  in the  offer, such  as the
                         operational,  the  SRPK  will  resume  its  quality   location  of  interconnection  points,  the  specifications
                         assessments.  According  to  the  SPRK,  the  new  tool   of the equipment used to provide the interconnection
                         will: ‘provide the possibility to perform measurements   and the wholesale services offered, and the procedure
                         according  to a  common  measurement  method  with   for reporting and rectifying faults. Operators that are
                         the possibility to compare quality indicators between   obliged  to publish  a basic interconnection  offer will
                         different countries. In addition, the system will enable   be required to make the document  available on its
                         the regulator to determine whether an ISP is blocking   website. Providers that have already published a basic
                         or blocking access to a page or service.       interconnection offer will be required to amend the offer
                         (January 19, 2021)             in line with the new rules. The regulator is accepting
                                                                        comments on the draft regulations until 17 February.
                                                                        (January 15, 2021)

                          Mexico’s  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  Mexican  President  Andres  Manuel  Lopez  Obrador,
                          (Instituto Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones,  IFT) has   widely known as AMLO, intends  to present  his
                          announced plans to stage a public tender to enable the   cabinet  with a  proposal to evaluate whether  certain
                          commercial exploitation of 41 blocks of radioelectric   government  institutions –  including  the Federal
        Mexico            spectrum.  Spectrum  included  in  the  sale  process   Telecommunications  Institute  (Instituto  Federal
                          spans  the  800MHz,  1900MHz,  1700MHz/2100MHz   de Telecomunicaciones,  IFT)  – could  be abolished
                          and  2.5GHz  bands,  and  the  concessions  cover  a   and  merged  into  existing  ministries.  According  to
                          combination of regional and national coverage areas.   Reuters, Lopez Obrador, who has implemented steep
                          The watchdog notes that the tender will help to expand   budget cuts and trimming wasteful expenditure since
                          coverage to  underserved locations,  notably in the   taking  office,  seeks  to  use  the  funding  to  support
                          south-east  of  the  country.  Indeed,  specific  coverage   welfare  and  infrastructure  spending.  While  the  IFT
                          obligations  have been  established  for the states  of   has managed  to dent  America  Movil’s market power
                          Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Veracruz. The tender will   since  its  introduction  in  2013,  AMLO  maintains  that
                          consist of four stages, the first of which will commence   the watchdog  has  failed in  its  duty to  rein-in the
                          next month, although  the formal  submission  of bids   monopolistic power of some companies.
                          is  not  scheduled  to  take  place  until  September.  The   (January 13, 2021)
                          available spectrum is broken down as follows:
                          Block  A1:  one  block;  814MHz-824MHz/859MHz-  Mexican industrial conglomerate ALFA has cancelled
                          869MHz (Regions 1-4);                         the sale  of its  telecoms  unit, despite  attracting a
                          Blocks   A5.01-A9.05:   37   blocks;   814MHz-  ‘double-digit’  number  of  bidders.  The  competitive
                          824MHz/859MHz-869MHz (Regions 5-9);           sale  process reached its  second  phase before ALFA
                          Block  B1:  one  block;  1755MHz-1760MHz/2155MHz-  called it off. On 21 December ALFA stated: ‘Following
                          2160MHz (national coverage);                  an exhaustive evaluation process,  [ALFA’s]  Board
                          Block  C1:  one  block;  2500MHz-2530MHz/2620MHz-  of  Directors  determined  that  it  would  be  in  the
                          2650MHz (various locations); and              shareholders’ best interest to redirect efforts to attract
                          Block  D1:  one  block;  1910MHz-1915MHz/1990MHz-  strategic proposals for its two separate business units
                          1995MHz (national coverage).                  (Infrastructure and Services) and maintain all options
                          (January 26, 2021)            open to maximize value.’ (January 5, 2021)

                         Airtel Africa has announced that an application for the   30  November  2021  but  have  now  been  extended  for
                         renewal of its Nigerian subsidiary’s spectrum licenses   a further ten years, to 30 November 2031. Under the
                         has  been  approved by  the Nigerian Communications   terms of the spectrum  licenses, Airtel Nigeria has
        Nigeria          Commission  (NCC).  Airtel  Nigeria’s  900MHz  and   paid NGN71.611 billion (USD186.7 million) in renewal
                         1800MHz  spectrum  licenses  were  due  to  expire  on
                                                                        fees. ‘I am pleased to announce that our application
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