Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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                         The  Czech  Telecommunications  Office  (ČTÚ)  will   33  Euro  on  20  GB  of  data,  while  Czechs  would  have
                         launch  a  price  and quality index for mobile services   to pay almost 55 Euro for the same amount. A 2017
                         in  February.  The  index  will  compare  calls,  SMS,  and   study  by  the  organization  found  that
                         data  services.  For  fixed  location  services  (ie  fixed   mobile tariffs in the Czech Republic were on average
        Czech            lines),  the consumer will  be able to to compare the   79% higher than the EU average. The arrival of a fourth
                         prices for calling, internet, and television services. At
                                                                        nationwide  operator  was  supposed to contribute  to
        Republic         the  same  time,  the  ČTÚ  is  also  preparing  a  decree,   their  reduction.  In  the  end,  the  three  Czech  mobile
                         the aim of which is to determine the scope, form and   operators (Vodafone, T-Mobile, and O2 Czech Republic)
                         manner of transmitting information from operators for   won frequencies  in an  auction linked to future next-
                         the  purposes  of  operating  this  tool.  In  recent  years,   generation 5G networks. As of this year, operators must
                         domestic  prices of telecommunications  services,   state in contracts the exact Internet connection speed
                         especially mobile data, have been criticized by some   provided. There are about 15 million active SIM cards in
                         government  officials  as  being  higher  than  elsewhere   the Czech Republic. Almost 3.3 million customers use
                         in  Europe.  According  to  a  2018  EU  Commission   the Internet connection via fixed networks.
                         analysis, the average  EU  customer  spends  around   (January 9, 2021)

                         The Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Instituto   bands.  As  per  Indotel  documentation,  nine  2×5MHz
                         Dominicano  de  las  Telecomunicaciones,  Indotel)   blocks  of  700MHz  spectrum  will  be  made  available,
                         presented the tender specifications for its planned 5G   alongside  16  10MHz  blocks  of  3.5GHz  spectrum.
                         auction at an online event held on 28 December. The   The sale  process  will  commence this  month and is
        Dominican        regulatory  authority  confirmed  that  the  sale  process   expected to conclude in August. All licenses will have a
                                                                        duration of 20 years.
                         will involve the allocation of frequencies in the 698MHz-
        Republic         806MHz (700MHz) and 3300MHz to 3460MHz (3.5GHz)   (January 4, 2021)

                         The French government has increased state support for   country’s leading cellco  in terms of subscribers,  has
                         the deployment of fiber-optic networks in the country   been authorized to operate 1,953 BTS in the 2100MHz
                         to EUR3.57 billion (USD4.31 billion). Under the France   and  3500MHz  frequency  bands,  with  the  operator’s
                         Relance project, the government will provide EUR570   CEO  Stephane  Richard  saying  in  an  interview  with
        France           million of additional funds for the deployment of fiber   local  newspaper  Journal  du  Dimanche  that  the  5G
                         in  rural  areas,  with  EUR420  million to  be distributed
                                                                        network has now been activated in 160 cities across
                         to public initiative networks not yet subsidized by the   the country. Going forward, Orange is aiming to deploy
                         government. These will include the following projects:   5G in 30 other cities, such as Aix-en-Provence, Brest
                         Seine  et  Marne  (led  by  Seine-et-Marne  Numerique,   and Toulon, while 5G services will be activated in the
                         EUR6.5  million),  Aude  (SYADEN,  EUR9.5  million),   capital Paris in Q1 2021. Second-largest operator by
                         Auvergne  (Auvergne  Digital  Agency,  EUR123  million),   subscribers, Altice France (SFR), has been authorized
                         Cher  (Berry  Numerique,  EUR16  million)  Dordogne   to build  a total of 2,048 5G-enabled  NR sites in the
                         (Perigord  Numerique,  EUR45  million),  Doubs  (Doubs   2100MHz  (1,700)  and  3500MHz  (775)  frequency
                         Tres Haut Debit, EUR5 million), Haute-Savoie (SYANE,   bands. For its part, Bouygues Telecom had permission
                         EUR15  million),  Indre  (Open  Fixed  Syndicate  RIP  36,   to  operate  3,553  5G  sites  in  the  2100MHz  band  and
                         EUR20 million), Manche (Manche Numerique, EUR46.3   821 BTS in the 3500MHz band, with the operator now
                         million), Sarthe (Sarthe Numerique, EUR6.5 million) and   claiming to cover 25  cities with a  population  of over
                         Brittany (Megalis, EUR150 million). The France Relance   70,000  (equivalent  to  over  1,000  municipalities)  with
                         program is part of the Tres-Haut Debit (THD) project   5G.  Lastly,  Free  Mobile  claimed  the  top  spot  with  a
                         aiming  to  cover  100%  of  the  French  population  with   total of 12,895 authorized 5G sites across two bands:
                         very-high  speed  broadband  services  (>30Mbps)  by   12,894 in the 700MHz band and 941 in the 3500MHz
                         2022. (January 19, 2021)       band. Meanwhile, the number of 4G sites in operation
                                                                        in France reached 47,498 BTS by 7 January, while the
                         France’s  independent  telecoms  regulator,  the  number of 3G-enabled sites stood at 48,369.
                         National Agency  of Frequencies  (Agence  Nationale   (January 13, 2021)
                         des  Frequences,  ANFR),  has published  its monthly
                         update on the number  of  base transceivers  stations   French  telecoms  regulator  ARCEP  has  published
                         (BTS) in the country, reporting that it had authorized   Decision  No.  2020-1455-RDPI,  ordering  Free  Caraibe
                         a total of 18,039 5G New Radio (NR) sites (excluding   to  comply  with  its  first  deployment  obligations  in
                         shared  sites)  by  January  2021.  Orange  France,  the   the French  overseas territories (FOT) of Guadeloupe,

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