Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 62


        European  Space + Digital Players  to Study  Build  of EU’s  Satellite-Based

        Connectivity System

        The European  Commission has  selected   market;  it  will  also  leverage  the  EuroQCI   confidence  in  the  digital  economy  and
        a  consortium of European  satellite   initiative  that  promotes  innovative  ensuring European strategic autonomy and
        manufacturers, operators  and  service   quantum  cryptography  technology.  More   resilience.  It  will  leverage  and  strengthen
        providers,  telco operators  and launch   specifically,  the  study  phase  awarded  by   the role of satellites in the 5G ecosystem,
        service  providers  to study the  design,   the European Commission will consolidate   assessing interoperability  whilst  also
        development  and launch  of a  European-  the user  and  mission requirements and   taking into account the evolution towards
        owned,  space-based,  communication  provide a preliminary architectural design   upcoming 6G technologies. This European
        system.  The  study  will  assess  the   and service provision concept,  as well   sovereign  infrastructure  is  set  to  benefit
        feasibility  of a  new initiative aiming to   as  associated  budgetary  estimates.  A   a  large range  of sectors,  including  road
        strengthen  European  digital sovereignty   Public-Private  Partnership  (PPP)  scheme   and  maritime  transport,  air  traffic  and
        and provide secure connectivity  for   will  be considered and assessed during   control, autonomous vehicle development
        citizens, commercial  enterprises  and   this  phase.  The  study  will  look  at  how   as  well  as  many  Internet  of  Things
        public institutions  as  well  as  providing   the space-based  system  could  enhance   (IoT)  applications.  It  is  intended  to  offer
        global coverage  for rural and ‘not-spot’   and connect to current and future critical   enhanced  security  in the transmission
        areas.  Complementing  Copernicus  and   infrastructures,  including  terrestrial  and storage of information  and data
        Galileo,  this new EU  flagship program,   networks,  strengthening  EU  capability   supporting the needs  of various users
        once  given the  green light, would fully   to access the cloud and providing digital   such  as  governmental  agencies,  finance
        exploit the synergies of the technological   services in an independent  and secure   &  banking  companies,  science  networks,
        potential  akin  to  the  Digital  and  Space   way, which is  essential for building   critical infrastructures and data centers.
        industries.  The  contract  value  of  the
        year-long  feasibility study amounts  to
        7.1  million  euros.  The  European  space-
        based connectivity system, advocated by
        Commissioner  Breton,  is set to provide
        secure communication  services to the
        EU  and  its  Member  States  as  well  as
        broadband  connectivity for European
        citizens, companies and mobility sectors,
        strengthening  EU  digital  sovereignty.
        It  will  build upon the European Union’s
        GOVSATCOM  program  of  pooling  and
        sharing  satellite services  and will  ensure
        a high  level of reliability, resilience  and
        security not currently available  in the

        Turksat 5A Launches to Bring Ku-Band Services To EMEA

        The Turkish communications  satellite   the first signal was acquired 35 minutes af-  a Falcon 9, bringing capacity over Turkey,
        Turksat 5A launched in the US last week,   ter launch. Turkish satellite operator Turk-  South  Africa,  the  Middle  East  and  North
        bringing with it, potentially, a new source   sat ordered Turksat 5A and a sister satel-  Africa, West Africa, the Mediterranean Sea
        of satellite-borne services to the aviation   lite, 5B, from Airbus Defence and Space in   and the Aegean Sea. With these two new
        and  maritime  markets.  Aerospace  manu-  2017. Turksat 5A, a communications sat-  satellites, it has been reported that Turksat
        facturer and space transportation services   ellite in geostationary orbit (GEO), will sit   aims  to increase its  capabilities  for data
        company Space Exploration Technologies   at 31 degrees East, primarily for data ser-  and provide a  wide range  of services to
        Corp  (SpaceX)  has  reported  that  it  suc-  vices  in  Ku-band,  which  it  will  broadcast   its customers in the aviation and maritime
        cessfully launched the Turksat 5A satellite   over portions of  Europe, the Middle East   markets. As for SpaceX, this is expected to
        last Thursday evening in what was its first   and Africa. The satellite will enter service   be one of the busiest years so far for the
        launch of 2021. A Falcon 9 rocket carrying   in the second quarter of 2021. Turksat 5B   launch company. SpaceX performed 25 or-
        the  satellite  took  off  from  Space  Launch   will carry Ka- and Ku-band payloads and   bital launches in 2020, all using Falcon 9
        Complex  40  at  Cape  Canaveral  Space   operate from 42 degrees east in GEO. It is   vehicles. The company is likely to exceed
        Force Station in Florida. Turksat reported   expected to launch later this year, also on   this number in 2021.

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