Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 67


                                                                                    Five major hyper-scale
                                                                                    cloud  providers  are  found
                                                                                    to have an active interest in
                                                                                    Africa, including Microsoft
                                                                                    Azure, AWS, Google Cloud,
                                                                                    Whale  Cloud  and  Huawei

                                                                                    Cloud.  Both  AWS  and
                                                                                    Microsoft  have expanded
                                                                                    beyond  South  Africa and
                                                                                    Alibaba  plans  to expand
                                                                                    from there into other Sub-
                                                                                    Saharan African  countries
                                                                                    over the next 12-18 months

                                                                                 Clouds gather over Africa
                                                                                 The availability  of more data  centre
                                                                                 space is paving the way for the arrival of
                                                                                 hyperscale cloud providers to the region.
                                                                                 Five major hyper-scale cloud providers are
                                                                                 found to have an active interest in Africa,
                                                                                 including  Microsoft  Azure,  AWS,  Google
                                                                                 Cloud,  Whale  Cloud  and  Huawei  Cloud.
                                                                                 Both  AWS  and  Microsoft  have  expanded
                                                                                 beyond South Africa and Alibaba plans to
                                                                                 expand from there into other Sub-Saharan
                                                                                 African  countries  over  the  next  12-18
        (Angola,  Cote  d’Ivoire,  Djibouti,  Ghana,   over last 5 years and looks set to improve   months
        Kenya,  Mauritius,  Mozambique,  Nigeria,   further in the years ahead – with several of
        South  Africa  and  Zambia),  with  6  more   the region’s planned next-generation data   The table below  summarises the local
        coming on stream shortly (DRC, Ethiopia,   centres are being built to Level IV standard.  cloud presence of the five major players:
        Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda and Zimbabwe).

        The  report  finds  that  not  only  are  there
        significant investments being made in new
        data centre facilities, but the overall quality
        of data centre infrastructure is improving

        The  quality  and operational  expertise
        of  carrier-neutral  data  centres  in  Sub-
        Saharan Africa has improved a great deal
           The quality and operational

           expertise       of     carrier-
           neutral  data  centres in
           Sub-Saharan  Africa has
           improved a great deal over
           last 5 years and looks set
           to improve further  in the
           years ahead...

                                                                                                    67    JANUARY 2021
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72