Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 69


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        JCRA Consults on Proposed Price Control
        for Wholesale Broadband Access Services

        Feedback on a draft decision related   According to the regulator, the price
        to a  price  review of wholesale   control would be set so as promote
        broadband  access  services has   more effective competition, while at
        been  published  by  the  Jersey   the same time providing JT with ‘the
        Competition  Regulatory Authority   opportunity to recover its efficiently
        (JCRA),  with  the  regulator  having   incurred costs plus an appropriate
        proposed  a  price  control  on  fixed   return  on  investment’.  Meanwhile,
        line  incumbent  JT  Jersey,  set  on   the regulator noted that two different
        a  forward-looking  basis.  With  JT   pricing  approaches  have been
        having previously been  determined   considered,  saying that under  both
        to  hold  significant  market  power   of these the proposed prices would
        (SMP) in the sector in question, the   be  lower  than  the  current  price.
        JCRA  has  claimed  that  a  proposed   Submissions  to  the  consultation
        price  control ‘is  consistent  with   have been requested by  a  deadline
        generally  accepted  principles  and   of 24 March 2021.
        applied  proportionately  to  Jersey’.

        Italy’s CDP Asks for More Time to Study Open Fiber Share Sale

        The  Italian  state-backed investment   EUR2.65 billion (USD3.2 billion). CDP has   for  CDP  to  take  at  least  part  of  the  Enel
        fund  Cassa  Depositi  e  Prestiti  (CDP)   first right of refusal on any share sale and   stake, possibly raising its interest to 60%
        has  requested  further time to  conduct   was  given  30  days  to  make  up  its  mind   to give it  control  of Open Fiber,  which is
        negotiations regarding the sale of a stake   from the date of Enel’s confirmation of its   seen as a strategic national asset, leaving
        in national  wholesale network  operator   plans to sell, which came on 23 December   Macquarie to acquire the remaining 40%.
        Open  Fiber, in which  it holds  a 50%   2020.  A  report  from  Reuters  says  that   There are also negotiations ongoing which
        interest.  Its  co-shareholder,  utility  group   CDP  has  requested  an  extension  to  25   would see Open Fiber combined with the
        Enel, is looking to sell all or part of its 50%   February  while it  continues  to study the   broadband networks business of Telecom
        stake to Australian infrastructure fund   situation.  There  have  been  rumors  that   Italia  (TIM),  which  also  counts  CDP  as  a
        Macquarie, with the 50% holding valued at   some sections of the government are keen   shareholder.

        MoC Fines HOT Over Failure to Comply with Wholesale Market Provisions

        Israel’s Ministry of Communications (MoC)   allow for normal wholesale market activity   HOT  began providing such access only
        has fined HOT Telecom ILS6 million (USD1.8   on its network, in a manner that, in effect,   during  2018,  while  the  regulator  claimed
        million) for failing to properly comply with   led  to the exclusion of competitors from   that even after doing  so, ‘complications
        the provisions of the country’s wholesale   its  network and to the deterrence  of the   that  did  not enable service providers to
        market reform. In a press release regarding   development  of  competition’.  According   provide proper  services to consumers,
        the matter, the watchdog said that it had   to  the MoC, while regulated  tariffs  for   were detected’.
        found  ‘HOT Telecom’s  conduct  did not   wholesale services were set during 2017,

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