Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 81


        ETNO Flags European 5G Lag

        Industry  group ETNO  called for  swift   per  capita  in  Europe  stood  at  €34.70,
        action to  address  fragmentation  and   compared  with  €76.10  in  the  US  and
        a restrictive regulatory environment   €52.50  in  Japan.  European  ARPU  is
        which it  argued  is  hindering  the   also lower at €14.90, versus €36.90 in
        continent’s progress in 5G relative   the US and €28.10 in Japan. Europe’s
        to  the  US  and  Asia.  Research  by  the   biggest  operators  including  Vodafone
        association  showed  the region is   Group,  Deutsche  Telekom,  Telecom
        lagging  in network deployments  and   Italia and Telefonica have all launched
        digital  investment metrics covering   5G, so the report will  no doubt be
        5G  and  AI.  It  said  fragmentation  and   concerning  the national governments
        regulation  contributed  to  “weakening   which have earmarked the technology
        the  European  telecoms  sector”.  The   as  key  for future  infrastructure
        State of Digital Communications report,   development and boosting economies.
        launched  by ETNO  in conjunction   In other areas, ETNO  noted  Europe
        with research group Analysys Mason,   had  a  significant  role  in  advancing
        showed a quarter of citizens had access   innovation  in  AI.  Between  2010  and
        to at least one next-generation network   2020,  the  continent  secured  11,400
        in Q3 2020, up from 12.9 per cent in the   patents,  better  than  China  (5,700)
        comparable  2019  period.  In  contrast,   and  Japan  (4,000),  but  behind  South
        76 per cent of the US population had   Korea’s 16,800 and 53,200 by the US.
        access  to  technology,  while  in  South   Rupert  Wood, research director  at
        Korea the figure stood at 93 per cent.   Analysys  Mason,  added:  “European
        ETNO’s research also found demand in   operators remain exposed  to  greater
        Europe was lower than other markets,   competitive pressures than elsewhere
        noting this could impact the operator   and consequently  have revenue  lines
        business case for faster rollouts. The   that change little in relation to surging
        average mass market telecoms spend   demand.”

        Approval of ROW Policy by Federal Cabinet a Historical Success of MoIT&T

        Pakistan Federal Minister for IT and Tele-  offered  thanks  to  Prime  Minister,  federal   hurdles in way of laying optical fiber cable
        communication Syed Amin Ul Haque has   cabinet,  PM  Taskforce  and  all  concerned   (OFC) and telecommunication  extension
        said  that  the  Right  of  Way  (RoW)  Policy   departments on endorsement  of Right of   across country, he added. The key features
        will  play  important  role for the  comple-  Way  Policy.  He  said  that  no  government   of Right of Way Policy are: Fee determina-
        tion of Digital Pakistan Vision. He termed   in the past gave any importance to Right   tion, dispute  resolution,  national security,
        the  approval  of  Right  of  Way  Policy  by   of  Way  Policy.  Federal  Minister  said  that   safety and protection from health hazards,
        federal  cabinet  as historical  success  of   Right of Way Policy will pave way for laying   telecom  as  critical infrastructure, sharing
        Ministry  of  IT  &  Telecom.  In  a  statement   of telecommunication  network  and dig-  of Right of Way, security of telecom infra-
        on Wednesday, the Federal Minister for IT   italization.  It  will  be  helpful  for  removing   structure and common services corridor.

        Frontier Secures FCC Approval for Chapter 11 Restructuring

        Frontier Communications has  announced   the  FCC  and  13  states,  namely:  Arizona,   emerge  from  Chapter  11  in  early  2021.
        that  it  has  secured approval  from  the   Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota,  Mississippi,   Upon emergence,  Frontier will  have
        Federal  Communications  Commission   Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Ohio,   reduced its total outstanding indebtedness
        (FCC)  for  its  Chapter  11  restructuring.   South  Carolina,  Texas,  Utah  and  Virginia.   by more than USD10 billion and will move
        Frontier now has regulatory approvals, or   The  telco  notes:  ‘Frontier  expects  to   forward with enhanced financial flexibility
        favorable  determinations,  for its  required   promptly consummate the transactions   to support continued  investment in an
        change-in-control applications  related to   contemplated  under  its  previously  improved customer  experience  and long-
        its  court-supervised restructuring from   confirmed  Plan  of  Reorganization  and   term growth.’

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