Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 84


        US Government Mulls Program to Boost Open 5G

        The  US  government  began  consulting   Department  of  Defence  (DoD)  in  2019,   later. In September 2020, it also issued a
        on   potential  approaches  to  spur  adding  the ultimate goal was  to create a   call for information on spectrum sharing. It
        development  of an open  5G ecosystem,   competitive  challenge  which  “maximizes   previewed its full 5G strategy in May 2020,
        as   it  moves  to  offset  potential  the  benefit  to  both  the  open  5G  stack   outlining goals to spur development of key
        interoperability issues which could hinder   market  and  the  DoD  on  an  accelerated   technologies  including  open  architecture,
        the  technology.  In  a  notice  of  inquiry,   schedule”.  Comments  are  due  by  10   mmWave and dynamic spectrum sharing;
        the National Telecommunications and   February. In October 2019, the DoD detailed   influence 5G standards to its benefit; and
        Information Administration (NTIA) sought   the creation of 5G test beds  at  military   mitigate security vulnerabilities.
        recommendations  from  the industry  on   sites, with contracts for trials issued a year
        the goals and focus areas  for a  program
        designed  to promote open  infrastructure
        and software in 5G networks and services.
        The NTIA is also seeking details on how a
        5G Challenge  scheme  could  be designed
        to  “focus  on  the  greatest  impediments
        to maturation of end-to-end  open  5G
        stack  development”;  what  incentives
        could  be used  to maximize collaboration
        and interoperability;  and the timeline  for
        executing  the  plan.  US  authorities  have
        already proposed  open  RAN systems as
        an alternative to equipment from Chinese
        vendors  including  Huawei  and  ZTE.  The
        NTIA noted  the proposed  program would
        boost  a 5G initiative launched by the

        US C-Band Auction Smashes FCC Record

        A  US  sale  of  C-Band  spectrum  (3.7GHz   quickly make the C-Band a critical part of   will be announced upon completion of this
        to  4.2GHz)  closed  its  first  phase  with  a   5G rollout in the United States”. He noted   phase. In a LinkedIn post, mobile network
        staggering  $80.9  billion  in  bids  after  97   bids were placed for all  5,684 available   provider BitPath’s COO Sasha Javid noted
        rounds,  shattering the country’s  previous   licenses, adding proceeds from the initial   the assignment  phase typically takes
        auction  record.  In  a  statement,  Federal   phase of the sale crushed a previous high   about a  month, and reiterated earlier
        Communications   Commission   (FCC)  of $44.9 billion set by the agency’s AWS-  warnings from analysts the auction’s high
        Chairman  Ajit  Pai  said  the  early  results   3 auction, which closed in January 2015.   tally “could result in slower buildout, high
        “represent  a  strong  endorsement  by  the   The  auction now enters  an assignment   prices for consumers, less stock buybacks
        private sector  of the  service  rules  and   phase during  which winning  bidders  will   and missed targets for debt reduction”.
        transition plan put in place by the FCC to   compete for specific frequencies. Winners

        PTA Renews PTCL License For 25 Years

        State-backed     telco     Pakistan   and allows  the company  to provide all   upfront payment of 0.66% of PTCL’s annual
        Telecommunication  Company  Limited  telecom  services  –  with  the exception  of   gross revenue plus an annual levy of 0.5%
        (PTCL)  has  completed  the  renewal  of  its   mobile services – on a nationwide basis.   of gross revenues and the operator is also
        integrated telecom service license for the   Under the renewed license, PTCL is subject   obliged to contribute a total of 2.0% of its
        next 25 years, with effect from 1 January   to  ‘enhanced  quality  of  service  (QoS)   annual gross revenues  to the Universal
        2021.  Sector  watchdog  the  Pakistan   parameters’ and  a  5% annual increase in   Service  Fund  (USF)  and  Research  and
        Telecommunication Authority (PTA) notes   Next Generation  Access  Network (NGAN)   Development Fund.
        that the concessions is technology neutral   connections. The license fee comprised an

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