Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
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Digital Transformation and Global Governance
With advancements in fifth-generation expansion continues to flow in, sustainably.
fixed networks, and integration of AI and Deployment of new technologies, for
emerging technologies, evolution of Gigabit example, including 5G Core network
network technologies, and with worldwide transformation technologies or AI-driven
focus on accelerating digital economic automation of advanced broadband
development, fulfilling ambitious national solutions and services, or interoperability of
ICT visions, driving industrial and societal data required in fields, or fixed 5G-Advanced
transformation, and rising understanding of technologies in the optical network domain,
sustainability imperatives, it is clear that a to name a few, are already laying the
complex opportunity landscape is before us. foundation for the next decade of digital
The multitude of opportunities are directly
linked to our dependence on digital The role of international cooperation-
networks and technologies, and resulting building efforts, such as the recently
digital transformation is truly empowering adopted Pact for the Future that includes a
for end-users, enterprises, and governments Global Digital Compact and a Declaration Bocar A. BA
Chief Executive Officer
alike. In the SA-ME-NA region and its on Future Generations, or the activities of & Board Member
neighboring regions, economies need to the ITU IAGDI-CRO, which most recently met SAMENA Telecommunications
come at par with more digitally advanced during GSR-24, are going to be crucial in the Council
economies. However, to achieve this, drastic years to come as UN Member States speed
steps are necessary to further broadband up their progress on the SDGs.
development and digital transformation.
Moving towards “gigabit” infrastructure is Connecting the dots correctly for a
an essential element in this journey. The sustainable, investment-friendly, and
required technology advancements and empowering future is essential, as digital
capabilities are readily available. and space economies gain momentum and
come closer in alignment, and as
Furthermore, because digital infrastructure collaboration as well as responsible use of
is fast becoming the backbone of our resources become ever more essential in
economies, societies, and even our the outer space as it already is on the ground.
governance structures, it is crucial that it
remains protected and investment in its