Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - July-September 2024
P. 4


                         GITEX Global 2024 and the Future AI Economy

        GITEX Global to Bring Forth Extensive AI Implementation Use-Cases

        GITEX  Global  2024,  the  world’s  largest   area of utmost importance within the dig-  “GITEX  Global  is  a
        technology exhibition platform, once again,   ital ecosystem. The region’s AI initiatives,
        will connect ICT industry stakeholders and   such as the Dubai Universal Blueprint for   remarkable annual event
        digital  ecosystem  leaders,  policymakers,   Artificial Intelligence, can make a tremen-  that  highlights  Dubai’s
        regulators, innovators, investors, and con-  dous impact in boosting productivity, pre-
        sumers, focusing on the AI economy. Over   dictability, and value-addition in the evolv-  ongoing progress toward
        3,500 leading brands are expected to gath-  ing economy of the region.      a  future  defined  by  the
        er to showcase their AI solutions, ranging
        from  ethical  AI  development  to  practical   Digital  Dubai  announced  that  it  will   latest  advancements  in
        applications  in  finance,  healthcare,  and   showcase  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  and   information  technology.
        education.  The  discussions  will  focus  on   the  Dubai  Government’s  cutting-edge
        the implications of AI, including regulation,   solutions  that  are  accelerating  digital   By  fostering  collabora-
        data privacy, and the evolving job market.   transformation   and   citizen-centric   tion,  partnerships,  and
        With the rapid emergence of AI technolo-  services. Over 45 government and private
        gies, the need for ethical frameworks and   sector  entities  will  participate,  along   integration  across vari-
        guidelines  has  become  dire.  Moreover,   with  key  partners  supporting  digital   ous  sectors  and  stake-
        driving beneficial use from AI, such as be-  transformation   efforts,   highlighting
        ing  demonstrated  by  the  UAE’s  proactive   Dubai's  progress  in  digital  innovation  in   holders,  we are collec-
        approach of integrating AI into public ser-  line  with  its  vision  to  become  a  leading   tively  working  to  bring
        vices, tourism, energy, and education, is an   smart city.
                                                                                    this  vision  to  life.  With

                                                                                    the  rapid  technological
                                                                                    advancements  we have
                                                                                    seen  globally,  we  are
                                                                                    confident  that  the  2024
                                                                                    edition of this event will

                                                                                    be  exceptional.  Dubai
                                                                                    will  make  a  significant
                                                                                    impact,      with     numer-

                                                                                    ous  entities  presenting
                                                                                    pioneering  innovations
                                                                                    focused  on  transform-
                                                                                    ing the city's digital land-
                                                                                    scape, fully aligned with

                                                                                    the vision of our leader-
                                                                                    ship  and  the  objectives
                                                                                    of the  Dubai Economic

                                                                                    Agenda D33.”
                                                                                    Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori,
                                                                                    Director-General of Digital

                                                                                                4   JULY-SEPTEMBER 2024
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