Page 109 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 109


        Traditionally,  satellite  connectivity  wasn’t   actual  case study of  an  anonymous   This translates to over 200 percent top-line
        even considered for cellular backhaul given   cellular backhaul service provider we’ll call   revenue growth and a 360 percent increase
        its high costs — but times have changed.   CBH. In this example we are using order-  in monthly profit, resulting in an extended
        Now, thanks to several proprietary   of-magnitude data based on real customer   footprint  reaching  an  additional  60,000
        technical innovations, small and low-cost   conversations. Before selecting Astranis   new wireless users while maintaining  a
        MicroGEO   communications   satellites   MicroGEO,  CBH  served  150  cell  sites   lower cost per site.
        from Astranis can dramatically reduce   and their  operating cost structure was
        the  cost of bandwidth. This is possible   dominated by the high price of bandwidth.   MicroGEO  oers  a  compelling  price  point
        because MicroGEO satellites are purpose-  CBH amortized capex for new site bringup   and business model that  has  caused
        built  to  target  bandwidth  into  a  specific   over an eight-year period, and bandwidth   telcos and internet  service providers to
        geographic region, like the state of Alaska,   leasing  fees  represented  over  70  percent   reconsider  their stance towards  satellite
        or a medium-sized country like Peru.  of total monthly costs. This limited CBH’s   backhaul.
                                             growth  —  it  didn’t  justify  a  risky,  high-
        With  a  MicroGEO  satellite,  operators  get   opex strategy, so CBH couldn’t expand the   Legacy  satellite  bandwidth  is  expensive,
        the bandwidth they need, right where they   number of sites that they cover.  undermining  the business  case for
        need it. This compact form factor is perfect                             expanding coverage into rural and remote
        for piloting new  markets  and  market   By switching to MicroGEO, CBH was able   locations. With Astranis, a new era is here:
        segments,   and   additional   MicroGEO   to secure middle-mile bandwidth at a more   not only can service providers enable
        satellites can increase capacity to meet   than  75  percent  discount  compared  to   cellular backhaul at an aordable price, they
        demand once the business case has been   their legacy  coverage. Making the switch   can  do  so  with  custom-built  MicroGEO
        proven out.                          to  lease  a  dedicated  MicroGEO  satellite   satellites  dedicated to  their business
                                             from  Astranis  allowed  CBH  to  expand  to   success.
        For illustrative purposes,  consider  an   over 600 sites without increasing opex.

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