Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 118


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        Sector watchdog the Afghanistan Telecoms Regulatory Authority   nation’s mobile networks. The regulator pointed to the ‘unlimited
        (ATRA)  has  revealed  that  it  has  issued  fines  totaling  AFN1.2   use of jammers by  government  authorities,  foreign  troops and
        billion (USD15.7 million) to the nation’s five major telcos – Afghan   individuals’, the destruction of telecom sites and cutting of fiber
        Telecom  (Aftel),  Roshan,  Afghan Wireless Communications   by  insurgent  groups,  limited  fiber  backbone  infrastructure  and
        Company (AWCC), MTN  Afghanistan and Etisalat  Afghanistan   restrictions on the distribution of additional spectrum resources
        –  for  failing to  meet quality  of service (QoS)  standards.  The   as significant factors affecting QoS. Further, the ATRA recognized
        watchdog  did  not  detail  a  timeframe  for  when  the  fines  were   that operating costs were higher in Afghanistan than elsewhere,
        issued,  however.  The regulator  revealed that  the cellcos  had   citing:  security  issues,  high  customs fees,  no direct access  to
        deployed a combined total of 7,072 sites, covering around 90%   submarine  cable networks for international  bandwidth,  and a
        of the country’s population, whilst total investment in the sector   reliance on generators at sites due to the nation’s limited energy
        reached AFN183 billion by the end of December 2019. Despite the   grid. Nevertheless, the regulator stressed  that operators  must
        financial  penalties,  the  ATRA  acknowledged  that  the  operators   adhere to the terms of their licenses or face punitive measures.
        were  facing an  uphill struggle  to  maintain  and improve  the   (March 11, 2020)


        The  Algerian President  gave his approval to the  Ministry of   (March 24, 2020)
        Microenterprise,  Start-ups  and the Knowledge  Economy  to
        implement  the Initiative for Digital  Transition. The project was   The  Post and Electronic  Communications  Regulatory Authority
        presented on 22 March 2020 during the Council of Ministers. The   has  launched  a  campaign to  measure the quality  of service of
        Digital Transition Initiative will  focus  on the digitization of the   the 4G  networks  of the three mobile operators,  ATM  (Mobilis),
        central administration, documents and administrative forms, the   OTA (Djezzy) and WTA (Ooredoo).  This campaign  initially
        generalization of databases based on the National Identification   concerns five (5) wilayas among those which were the subject
        Number  (NIN), the creation of a  control panel for decision-  of the largest number  of complaints from subscribers  on the
        making and monitoring government projects. The Initiative also   “Complaints”  platform on the ARPCE website in particular on
        incorporates  the  modernization  of the  government  Internet   aspects related to network coverage and quality of service. The
        network to ensure liaison  between  departments.  The project   campaign will  continue  gradually as  reports  of  breaches are
        also proposes  several practical  measures, including  a  digital   made. The regulatory authority will communicate on the results
        service platform  for citizens that  will  allow  them to  carry  out   of the campaign as  soon as  it  is  completed  and will  take the
        several types of online transactions such as booking. This digital   necessary measures towards the operators  in order  to correct
        transformation will contribute to the collection of economic data   any shortcomings noted.
        that will help in the preparation of budget forecasts.  (March 2, 2020)


        According to the BuddeComm report released outlines the major   progressive and it contributes about 4% a year to the Kingdom’s
        developments  and key  aspects in  the telecoms  markets of   GDP. Bahrain is striving to drive further growth in the telecoms
        Bahrain. The telecommunications sector in Bahrain is robust and   sector  in  2020  by  ensuring  it  is  competitive and adaptable to

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