Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 122
In line with the efforts taken by the Sultanate to prevent the spread The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has
of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the following important measures allocated additional mobile spectrum to the Sultanate’s licensed
were taken to ensure the continuity of the telecom services and network operators on a temporary basis and at no financial cost.
avoid network congestion due to increased demand: The move is aimed at enabling mobile operators to continue
1. To coordinate with the licensees to ensure the business to provide quality telecoms services to customers as usage
continuity for the provision of telecommunications services surges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week the TRA
and maintain its quality during the current circumstances and unblocked access to VoIP apps including Skype, Google Meet
apply succession planning if required. and Zoom to facilitate business continuity and communication
2. To provide free distance learning facility in cooperation with for organizations, private and educational institutions, and
the Ministry of Education to all educational institutions with government bodies. The regulator has also directed service
websites ending with ( in order to spare parents and providers to avoid disconnecting customers if they fail to pay bills.
students from any extra financial burdens. (March 26, 2020)
3. To urge the licensed telecom operators to review the prices
of their packages and to introduce incentive offers to enable The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has decided
nationals and residents to achieve the maximum possible to unblock access to VoIP apps including Skype, Google Meet
benefits from the telecommunications services during this and Zoom. The move is aimed at facilitating business continuity
emergency case. and communication for organizations, private and educational
4. To ensure an easy access to networks from multiple points institutions, and government bodies during the COVID-19
through several access points from different areas. pandemic.
5. To allow the licensees to provide telecommunications services (March 18, 2020)
by activating the wireless broadband service through WFBB-
LTE-FDD using the 4G frequencies that were temporarily Oman’s total internet subscriptions, excluding active mobile
licensed for the mobile telecommunications services. subscriptions, fell by 0.02% to touch 475,013 until the end of
6. To instruct the licensees to take all the preventative measures January 2020 up from 475,097 until end of December 2019. Of
within the environment of business companies to curb the this, fixed broadband internet Subscription that have more than
spread of the Coronavirus and protect their employees against 256 kilobytes speed, fell by 0.02% to 472,986 until end of January
infection. 2020, according to the latest data released by National Centre for
7. To allow the use of certain VoIP applications such as Skype Statistics and Information (NCSI). The number of active mobile
for Business, Google Meet, Zoom and WebEX. broadband subscribers fall by 0.9% to 4.56 million until end of
8. To encourage the licensees to operate the National Roaming January 2020, from 4.60 million subscribers until end of December
Facility whenever necessary. 2019. Total fixed telephone lines rose by 0.2% to 593,459 by the end
9. To offer an opportunity for the licensees to use additional of January 2020, from 592,196 subscribers until end of December
frequency bands without obtaining radio license during 2019. According to the NCSI report, the number of (VoIP) lines
this period if necessary and allow them to use the planned surged by 1.3% to 216,110 from 213,320 subscribers until end
frequencies required for delivering services or connect the of December 2019. Further, analogue fixed Telephones line fell
base stations. by 0.6% to 319,574 from 321,501 subscribers during the period
10. Offer to the licensed companies to assign them additional under review. Public payphone connections remained unchanged
spectrum, especially in the C-band, to improve the quality of at 6,801, whereas ISDN channels rose by 0.8% to 49,405. Total
service and mitigate the pressure on the telecommunication number of mobile subscribers increased by 0.6% to 6.42 million
networks if they wish. until end of January 2020, from 6.38 million subscribers by the
11. To Guide Telecom companies to find mechanisms and means end of December 2019. Out of this, postpaid mobile subscribers
to ensure the continuity of service and avoid termination increased by 0.5% to 785,585 from 781,658 until end of December
of service to any services or small businesses in case of 2019. Pre-paid mobile subscribers also rose by 0.6% to 5.63
inability to pay due to COVID-19 disruption and communicate million from 5.60 million until end of December 2019. In addition,
alternatives and available payment mechanisms. the number of subscribers of resellers rose by 2.9% to 998,654
12. To forbear the approval requirements for such offers for the from 970,396 until end of December 2019.
existing customers of licensees during this emergency period. (March 9, 2020)
(March 29, 2020)
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