Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 134


                         The Spanish government postponed a planned auction   operators  splashing  a total €438 million for  200MHz
                         for 5G-suitable 700MHz spectrum, blaming exceptional   frequencies.
                         circumstances caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus)   (March 31, 2020)
                         outbreak.  In a  statement,  the Ministry of Economic
                         Affairs and Digital Transformation said it had informed   The Spanish government has delayed plans to auction
        Spain            the  European  Commission  of its need  to defer the   spectrum in the 694MHz-790MHz (700MHz) spectrum
                         process, which was scheduled to be completed by 30   – referred to as the ‘second digital dividend band’ –
                         June.  Spain plans to reallocate frequencies  currently   after concerns were raised by telecoms operators and
                         assigned  to television channels  in the 700MHz  band   Digital  Terrestrial  Television  (DTT) service providers.
                         for use in future 5G networks, which  will  then  be   Telcos  have  expressed  ‘operational  and  financial’
                         auctioned to operators once conditions improve. The   concerns,  while free-to-air television broadcasts
                         ministry explained the decision to stay the process is   are viewed as  essential as  a  result of the ongoing
                         intended to free operators to focus on “maintaining the   COVID-19  (Coronavirus) pandemic.  A  Royal  Decree
                         connectivity of companies and people in this time of   was signed in March 2019, kick-starting the release of
                         health emergency”. It added it would announce a new   the 700MHz band, which was scheduled to be freed up
                         date for the auction once the containment measures   by the end of this month. The European Commission
                         adopted by the country to contain the virus end. The   timetable  expected 700MHz  services to be made
                         nation is the latest in Europe to suspend  5G auction   available for mobile broadband  across Europe  by 30
                         processes  due  to the pandemic, with France,  Austria   June 2020, although this deadline is now expected to
                         and  Portugal  also  delaying  sales.  Spain  held  its  first   be postponed in light of current events.
                         auction  for 5G-suitable spectrum  in July 2018, with   (March 20, 2020)

                         MTN Uganda has agreed  to pay USD100 million to   a USD118 million price tag on the ten-year license, or
                         renew its license for a further ten years. The decision   USD150 million for a  15-year concession.  According
                         follows more than a year of negotiations, during which   to TeleGeography’s GlobalComms  Database, market
                         the South African-owned cellco has  been  forced to   leader  MTN controls around 43% of all  mobile
        Uganda           operate  under  a  series of temporary  permits. It  was   subscribers in Uganda.
                         reported last year that the government was pushing for
                                                                        (March 13, 2020)

                         Ukraine’s regulator has issued the  country’s three   that each operator paid a different fee for their license,
                         major players with 900MHz licenses. Kyivstar, Lifecell   with Kyivstar paying UAH260 million (US$9.33 million),
                         and Vodafone Ukraine have each received a technolo-  Lifecell UAH121 million, and Vodafone UAH230 million.
                         gy-neutral license from the NCCIR (National Commis-  Kyivstar is the market leader by subscribers. The oper-
                         sion for State Regulation of Communications & Infor-  ator stated that the new LTE-900 license would allow
         Ukraine         matization), allowing them to begin offering 4G LTE-900   it to “begin technical work to launch high speed mo-
                         services from 1st July 2020. Under the terms of the li-  bile internet in the remotest corners of Ukraine”, noting
                         censes, the operators must extend LTE-900 services to   that it had returned some of its GSM spectrum to allow
                         all areas of the country with a population of over 2000   equal access to next-generation frequencies for all op-
                         people  across  the next two  years.  By  2024,  their 4G   erators. In addition to the main three operators, CDMA
                         coverage must reach 90% of the country’s population.   provider Intertelecom is also looking to obtain an LTE-
                         The 900MHz frequency was previously used exclusive-  900 license. While it missed the initial payment dead-
                         ly for GSM services, and each provider held a different   line of 10th March, the NCCIR has given it until 1st April
                         amount. Redistributing their respective ranges meant   to come up with the fee. (March 22, 2020)

                         UK  regulator  Ofcom  finalized  rules  for  an  upcoming   which will  see operators placing offers for airwaves
                         auction  of  spectrum  in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz  to   separately to determine the amount of spectrum they
                         3.8GHz bands, in an effort to boost the rollout of 5G   get; and  an  assignment phase  involving a  round of
                         networks and enhance  mobile broadband  in the   bidding to decide on the specific frequencies which will
        United           country.  Ofcom announced  it  will  release 80MHz  of   be allocated. Ofcom said it will let winners of 3.6GHz to
                                                                        3.8GHz spectrum negotiate their placements within the
                         spectrum  in the 700MHz  band, and 120MHz  in the
        Kingdom          3.6GHz to 3.8GHz range, increasing the total amount   band between  themselves, to “give mobile  operators
                         of available mobile airwaves in the UK by 18 per cent.   the opportunity to create more continuous  blocks
                         The  auction will involve two stages:  a principal  one   of 5G-ready  spectrum”.  The regulator stated it  was
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