Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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                         Sector  watchdog  the Luxembourg Institute of   of at least 50% of territory by 31 December  2022
                         Regulation  (Institut  Luxembourgeois de Regulation,   and 90%  by  31  December  2024.  Operators awarded
                         ILR) has opened a public consultation on the procedure   3600MHz spectrum will need to deploy ten sites in the
                         for the auction  of frequencies  in the 700MHz  and   Luxembourg commune by the end of 2020, and at least
        Luxembourg       3600MHz bands. The consultation will close on 10 April   20 sites nationally by 30 June 2021, increasing to 40
                         and candidates must register to take part in the auction
                                                                        by the end of 2022 and 80 by 31 December 2024. The
                         by 25 May. The available frequencies being auctioned   auction will consist of two stages. The first stage will
                         comprise  2×30MHz  in  the 700MHz  band (703MHz-  determine the total bandwidth to be assigned to each
                         733MHz), divided into six lots of 2×5MHz, and 330MHz   bidder in each band by means of a SMRA-Clock-Hybrid
                         in  the  3600MHz  band  (3420MHz-3750MHz),  divided   auction format.  The second  stage will  determine  the
                         into 13 lots of 10MHz each. Candidates will be limited   specific frequencies within each band to be assigned
                         to 2×10MHz in the 700MHz band and 1×120MHz in the   to each winner of lots. The winning bidders will initially
                         3600MHz band, of which at most 80MHz can be in the   be  given  the  opportunity  to  agree  specific  frequency
                         form of large blocks. A reserve price of EUR2.81 million   assignments  between  themselves, on the condition
                         (USD3.12 million) has been set for each lot of 2×5MHz   ever winner receives contiguous  frequencies  in each
                         spectrum  in the 700MHz  band  and EUR300,000 for   band,  and any potentially  unsold  spectrum  will  be
                         each 10MHz of 3600MHz frequencies. The frequency   retained  as  a  contiguous  block within the band.
                         management rights will be for an initial period of 15   Should the winners fail to reach an agreement within a
                         years with the possibility of a renewal for a further five   timeframe specified by the ILR, spectrum winners will
                         years. Winning 700MHz bidders will be required to use   be able to bid for their referred position in each band in
                         the assigned  spectrum to  ensure  outdoor  coverage   a single round of bids. (March 16, 2020)

                         Mexican conglomerate Grupo Salinas has announced   The Federal Telecommunications  Institute  (Instituto
                         that the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Instituto   Federal  de Telecomunicaciones,  IFT) has indicated
                         Federal de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) has extended the   that  it  is  considering  postponing  its  planned  auction
                         concession held by its fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) ISP   of  5G-suitable  spectrum  in  the  600MHz  band,  as  a
        Mexico           business,  TotalPlay Telecomunicaciones  (TotalPlay).   result  of the  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  The
                                                                        frequency sale was expected to be held in the second
                         The 30-year license renewal will run from 17 October
                         2025 until October 2055. Confirming the development,   half of 2020.  BNAmericas  quotes  IFT  commissioner
                         Grupo Salinas stated: ‘TotalPlay will continue investing   Arturo Robles as  telling reporters that: ‘the auction
                         in Mexico,  to generate  greater economic,  social and   dates would have to be evaluated [because] spectrum
                         environmental value and promote well-being  and   auctions do not take place during  pandemics’.
                         progress in the communities where it has a presence.’   TeleGeography notes that Mexico successfully cleared
                         TotalPlay was launched in November 2010 by Ricardo   the 600MHz band by October 2018, claiming that its
                         Salinas, Mexico’s  second-richest  man, and was   migration timeline made it the first country in the world
                         initially operated as a subsidiary of the subsequently   to fully release the 600MHz band for mobile broadband
                         divested  mobile  operator  Iusacell.  The company  has   use. Other frequencies under consideration to support
                         aggressively expanded  its FTTH  networks in recent   the  introduction of Mexican  5G services  include  the
                         years, and now has a presence in more than 40 major   1900MHz, 2.3GHz and 3.3GHz bands.
                         cities across Mexico. (March 31, 2020)  (March 26, 2020)

                         The government  of the Netherlands  has  invited   set at a total of EUR900 million (USD1.016 billion), and
                         applications from domestic and foreign companies to   700MHz licenses carry a network coverage requirement
                         participate in the 5G auction  expected  to take place   of 98% of the surface area of each Dutch municipality
                         in June  this year.  Government  agency  Agentschap   within  two  years  alongside  specific  minimum  speed
        The              Telecom,  part  of  the  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  &   standards (including  minimum 8Mbps at  the ‘worst
                         Climate Policy, announced on 6 March that operators
                                                                        points’ of  networks) aimed  at  a  national  average
        Netherlands      have until 6 April to submit their applications for the   mobile  data speed  above 100Mbps. An individual
                         multi-round  auction  for mobile  frequencies  in the   spectrum cap of 40% of total available frequencies will
                         700MHz,  1400MHz  and 2100MHz  spectrum  bands,   be applied; this cap includes current licenses held by
                         while State Secretary  for Economic  Affairs Mona   incumbent Dutch cellcos, a measure aimed at ensuring
                         Keijzer published the final auction regulations (see link   at  least  three 5G providers. During the auction,  the
                         below for full details). Reserve spectrum bid prices are   Ministry will  inform  participants about the total

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