Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 20


                               5G + Healthcare: Technology in Action

        With the COVID-19  pandemic rampant   China Unicom, and China Telecom—came   and low latency data transfer. This ensured
        across the world, there is a new meaning   together  and covered both of  the new   timely action even in a  situation where
        for digital connectivity  for all  of us now.   hospital sites within 72 hours through the   critical patients were increasing and there
        Social  distancing and near  lockdowns   installation of pole 5G sites on location.  was a shortage of medical staff.
        in various countries have reminded  us
        how dependent social welfare and even   The initiative was so impactful that the next   This technical synergy proved instrumental
        economic growth of a country is on digital   step was  to interconnect  other  hospitals   for China to control the  pandemic  as
        transformation.  In  this  time  of  difficulty,   in major cities with 5G due to the spread   quickly as  it  did.  Similar initiatives are
        pioneers  of connectivity  and the telco   of the virus. Again, the national operators   now being rolled out in nations around the
        operators across the world have stepped   stepped up and worked on a wartime scale   world as we learn from the early instances
        up  to the challenge,  and have come  up   to cover nine cities in seven provinces with   of COVID-19 response.
        with novel ways to utilize 5G— the latest   5G, comprising of 305 new sites within 72
        generation in telecom infrastructure.   hours, which was considered an important   5G for surging online services
                                             achievement of cooperation in technology   Many of us have been spending more time
        Of  course there are various challenges   deployment.                    at  home  due  to  the COVID-19  pandemic.
        faced  by  operators in these  trying times,                             Home network  usage was  the most
        especially in  the most  affected country   Furthermore, for  the prevention of   impacted category. This has resulted in a
        where  the  fight  against  COVID-19  is   COVID-19, the combination  of 5G +   sharp increase in data consumption across
        unprecedented.  The pandemic  presents   AI  was  used to  detect  face masks  on   the board, with  the classic busy-hour
        telecom  operators with  new challenges   medical professionals through  cameras   model shifting and the data throughput hot
        on multiple fronts, which can be broadly   and potential patients through thermal   spots changing locations.
        classified  into  three  areas:  emergency   cameras with  zero  touch. For detection,
        communications,  a  surge in online   cloud  computing supported by  5G   In particular, we can see three key scenarios
        services, and how to improve the network   was  used  for mobile  test laboratories,   contributing to the spike of online services:
        capabilities. The early lessons  learned   where data  from gene  sequencers  was
        in each  of these three  areas can help   uploaded to the cloud for enhanced virus   1.  Remote  Education:  As schools have
        companies  and nations in  the Middle   identification.                     been suspended, this has created a need
        East  to  better cope  with  the COVID-19                                   for hundreds of millions of students to
        pandemic, bringing the true value of digital   With the high-bandwidth  broadband   shift to online education. Taking China
        to local communities.                connectivity  and quick deployment, the   as an early reference point, this caused
                                             combinations of using 5G, AI and cloud also   usage time  per person  to  increase  by
        Emergency  Communications  Powered  by   enabled  other  key  medical applications   more than 80%. We also see the average
        5G + AI + Cloud                      in the emergency.  This included remote   speed  required for these  services is
        There is  an  increasing demand on   diagnosis,  collaboration,  consultations   6.8  Mbps  in  90%  of  the  cases  for  no
        healthcare networks  worldwide, and   with  high  quality  video communication   buffering in online education
        ICT is proving to be a vital component in
        addressing those requirements.  A clear
        example of that can be seen in the Hubei
        province of China, where Wuhan is located.

        At the onset of the outbreak, there were a
        total 48 hospitals designated for COVID-19
        patients  with  the  capacity  of  26,911  bed
        spaces—which  were clearly not  enough
        with the amount of new cases coming in
        every  day.  So the government  built two
        new  hospitals with a combined  capacity
        of 2,600 beds in a record time of ten days.
        Both of these  hospital locations were
        required to have 5G connectivity for high
        speed and real-time communications. All
        three  national operators— China Mobile,

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