Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 22


                             With COVID-19, Child Online Safety Risks

                                        and Child Exploitation Rise

        Cybersecurity and protection of business IT environment now must become a top priority. As the Corona virus
        has restricted our daily life and many employees now work from home, we risk seeing an increase in the
        consumption of child abuse materials online, leaving millions of children exposed to being exploited.

        In 2018, NetClean conducted a study which
        showed that 1 in 500 work computers was
        used to  handle  (download, consume  or
        share)  child sexual abuse  material.  The
        study also showed that most of the alerts,
        triggered by  detection  software, occurred
        when  the computer was  away from the
        workplace. The study was conducted with
        a number of NetClean  customers, who
        together had an installation base of nearly
        270 000 work computers.  The timing of
        the alerts  was  often outside  of  working
        hours (during  evenings,  holidays,  leave
        and work  trips),  and also  during down-
        time in the workplace, e.g., during lunch
        hours or early in the morning. The study
        also showed that  it  was  not uncommon
        for individuals to turn off the Internet and
        network connection in an attempt to avoid   (IWF)  in the UK,  the National Center  for   make  all  the difference. The interviewed
        detection.                           Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in   businesses reported that in the majority of
                                             the US and UNICEF.                  cases where they  had further knowledge
        In this unprecedented  situation  where                                  of the case (more than the alert itself),
        the COVID-19 disease  has changed  our   Increase  in  circulation  of  child  sexual   the police had found further material  or
        daily routines  and has forced a  large   abuse material                 catalogue structures that clearly contained
        section  of staff  to work  from  home,  it   On 27 March, the Swedish National Police   online child sexual abuse material on the
        is  not unreasonable to  assume  that  the   reported that they had seen  increased   computer.  When the police  conducted
        risk  of child sexual  abuse material  being   offender activity in forums, where offenders   house  searches  at  the employee’s home,
        downloaded, consumed or shared via the   openly expressed that there is easy access   more material had been found in a majority
        work computer is increasing. By protecting   to children online at the moment. They also   of cases.
        the business IT environment, children will   reported seeing an increase in the sharing
        also be protected.                   of child  sexual  abuse material  online   Finding and stopping the spread of images
                                             following the Corona crises. We must act   is  important  to stop the re-victimization
        Reports of risk to children          swiftly to combat this now and prepare for   that occurs every time a child sexual abuse
        There have been numerous recent reports   a future where our children might be more   image is shared and viewed. By following
        of the increased risk to children when they   vulnerable  online,  whether  this be due   the trail of a detected image, more images
        spend  more unsupervised time on the   to another virus  epidemic  or because  of   can be found and victims can be identified
        internet  as  a  result of the Corona crises,   developments in technology.  and rescued.
        closed  schools  and millions of people
        social distancing or in quarantine.  Stopping  the  spread  of  child  exploitation   If all businesses and organisations in the
                                             online                              world – billions of computers and networks
        On March 23, the FBI warned that school   The  business survey from the NetClean   – took appropriate action, the opportunity
        closings  due  to COVID-19  present  an   Report 2018 showed that the majority (but   to find and disrupt the spread of online child
        increased risk of child exploitation. Similar   not all) alerts triggered on work computers   sexual  material  would  increase  infinitely.
        warnings have come  from many NGOs   followed from the consumption of one or   With millions of people now working from
        such  as  the Internet  Watch Foundation   two illicit images. Still, just one image can   home, this is as important as ever.

        Courtesy: NetClean
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