Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 38


        BT Develops Ultra MIMO Radio, Taps O-RAN for Insights

        BT belongs to the O-RAN Alliance, but the   the globe. And this  has  left the telecom   about virtualization for its own sake. “We
        British operator is not yet all that enamored   ecosystem  with  just  two  major  vendors   think sometimes  you’re increasing the
        with solutions that use O-RAN. However, it   in the RAN space:  Ericsson and Nokia.   complexity of operations,” he said. “Today
        is getting value from O-RAN for work that   Despite intense pressure from the U.S., the   I talk to my supplier and they resolve it. In
        BT is doing in-house to develop an “Ultra   U.K.  government  decided  in January  that   a disaggregated network, I have to talk to
        MIMO” radio. Neil McRae, BT’s Managing   Huawei can supply gear for the country’s   more than one  supplier.  I  have to have a
        Director and chief architect, said its Ultra   5G networks, but it will be restricted to non-  programmer on my own staff to de-bug it.
        MIMO  radio will  leverage  the capabilities   core portions, considered less security   We’ve got a lot to learn in how to operate
        of massive MIMO, but will take it to a new   sensitive. Of the telecom vendors available   the infrastructure. We will  use the best
        level, using custom algorithms, signal   to BT, McRae said, “Ericsson and Nokia are   solution for customer experience and that
        processing and interference management   fantastic partners. We also use Huawei,   allows us to make a return. When you look
        technologies  that  BT  is  developing  with   also a fantastic partner. But we feel like we   at  O-RAN  it’s  still  not clear to  me  that’s
        its  own engineers.  “We’re doing  a  lot in   need more choice and capability. Our goal   there’s a really strong  single direction
        ultra MIMO,”  said McRae,  who cited  this   is  to  work  with  those guys [O-RAN]  and   for the parties involved.”  BT is also not
        work as  one  of the primary reasons  the   others to drive next requirements in radio   concerned  about  virtualizing its  mobile
        operator  is  active in  the O-RAN  Alliance.   technology  to ultimately give us more   core network. McRae said the company
        “O-RAN for us is a way of getting access to   capacity.” The O-RAN Alliance is creating   was using cloud-native capabilities in its
        some of the radio capabilities in MIMO so   open APIs so operators can mix and match   core from the usual telco  vendors. But
        we can use some algorithms to get much   radios or  write  their own software for a   it didn’t see a need  to try to modernize
        more capacity from a  MIMO  platform.”   radio. Sachin Katti, a professor at Stanford   to the level of what Rakuten’s doing with
        Asked if BT typically develops these kinds   University  and co-chair of the O-RAN   its  greenfield  network.  He  said  Rakuten
        of radio  technologies in-house, McRae   Alliance  technical steering  committee,   doesn’t  have to  worry  about 20  years  or
        said  that  ideally,  the company would not   said in an interview with FierceWireless   more of legacy equipment. “In cost terms,
        do it, but the supply chain in the space is   last year that the goal of RAN virtualization   do we see any benefits of disaggregation in
        very  challenged.  He  was  referring to  the   is to run software on top of x86 or Arm-  the mobile core? No, we see the opposite,”
        fact that the  U.S.  has attacked China’s   based hardware, instead of proprietary   he said. “It’s more costly to run and with
        Huawei  to the point that  the vendor  has   hardware. “I think that’s a worthy cause,”   greater likelihood of problems.”
        been  shunned  by  many  countries around   said McRae. But he said BT isn’t “religious”

                                             Cisco  Expands  Simple  and  Secure  Portfolio  to
                                             Help Small Businesses Thrive

        Cisco is accelerating its focus on serving   optimize their customer  experiences   business. The new Cisco Business
        small businesses  by announcing  new   and differentiate themselves to remain   Wireless Mobile App provides a simple
        offers tailored to the small business buyer.   competitive.  Small  businesses  need  to   way for an individual  or company  to
        In  November  2019,  Cisco introduced   connect securely and focus on protecting   configure  and  manage  networks  in
        the new Cisco  ‘Designed  for Business’   their users, data and devices at all times. To   any  location, all  from  the convenience
        portfolio at  Partner Summit. Now the   help address these needs, and allow small   of their smartphone.  Available  in the
        portfolio is  growing with the addition  of   businesses to focus on their core activities,   Apple App Store (iOS) or on Google Play
        Cisco  technology  that originally powered   Cisco is announcing brand new updates to   (Android).
        Fortune 100  organizations and can now   the Cisco ‘Designed for Business’ portfolio   •  New user experience.  Simpler  to buy:
        bring  the same innovation to meet  the   bringing  together  the power of  machine   We now have a new button to connect
        needs of small businesses. Small business   learning,  AI  and cloud-driven solutions,   small  business customers  to  a  Cisco
        is big business and accounts for 44 percent   and created to make buying,  installation   partner to buy directly on
        of all IT spending – as a segment it’s faster   and maintenance simple.     Plus, faster access to technical  and
        growing than the enterprises  segment.   The simplified experience includes:  sales specialists is now available, in 24
        Now  more than  ever,  small  businesses   •  New App  to manage  small  business   languages, globally, through live chat or
        need  to be  agile when  digitizing their   networks: IT  systems  can be complex   call back in 15 minutes or less.
        business models. Ultimately, technology is   and expensive to  maintain, especially   •  New bundles and offers scaled for small
        critical to helping them grow their revenue,   with the limited IT resources of a small   businesses: To further reduce cost and

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