Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 77


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Viasat and Visiontec Expand Satellite Internet Partnership in Brazil

        Viasat  Inc.  a  global communications   installers to rapidly meet the demand for   in  today's  world,"  said  Antonio  Carlos  de
        company, and Visiontec, a Brazilian-based   high-speed  residential  internet service   Moraes, business  development  director,
        satellite products  distribution  company,   in the country.  Bruno  Soares Henriques,   Visiontec. "By broadening our relationship
        announced  they  have expanded  their   Viasat's  Brazil  commercial  director  with  Viasat,  we can help more Brazilians
        partnership  to focus  on bringing  fast,   commented,  "Now more than ever, the   get access to a premium internet service
        reliable internet  service to residential   world is looking to stay connected  to   that will offer greater capabilities for people
        homes across Brazil.  Upon completion   friends,  family  and colleagues.  At  Viasat,   to  be productive and entertained online.
        of the launch  rollout, Viasat  will  be able   we made a commitment to invest and grow   We see this  expanded  partnership as  a
        to reach 100 percent  of the Brazilian   our Brazilian  internet  services business,   win for everyone." The  Viasat/Visiontec
        continental  territory, through  Visiontec's   and have partnered with Visiontec,  to   partnership was initially announced in June
        in-market  sales,  fulfillment  and  technical   help us better  understand  the market's   2019. Since that time period, Visiontec has
        support  expertise.  By  partnering with   needs.  We  look  forward  to  officially   successfully  installed Viasat's  satellite
        Visiontec, Viasat has a dedicated, trusted,   launching  high-speed,  high-quality  broadband equipment in over 11,000 fully
        local Brazilian partner to help execute its   residential  internet service shortly—and   operational sites across Brazil, including at
        residential service go-to-market strategy—  delivering  a  premium internet  service   remote schools, hospitals and government
        from assisting in sales engagements  to   even to the hardest-to-reach  locations."   facilities. Viasat's ground  network and
        providing quick in-home installations and   "Viasat's  advanced  technology  and  infrastructure uses bandwidth  from the
        on-site technical  support.  Viasat's  local   service capabilities will  help Brazilians,   Telebras SGDC-1  satellite  to  deliver
        field  services  teams  will  train  Visiontec's   located coast-to-coast, join the digital   satellite internet services.
        vast network  of distributors,  dealers  and   ecosystem—which  is  critically important

        AXESS  Networks  Announces  Joint  Venture  with  Middle  East

        Telecommunications Co.

        AXESS Networks, a global leader of satellite-based communications   (CITC). The main focus lies on supporting the increasing demand
        solutions, will further strengthen its market presence in the Middle   of communications needs in different verticals, such as oil and
        East and signed a joint venture agreement with the Saudi Arabian   gas, mining, maritime, telco and others. Mauricio Segovia, CEO of
        communications  provider Middle East  Telecommunications  Co.   AXESS Networks, states “The joint venture will further support our
        (METelecom).  The intention  is  to  provide end-to-end  managed   growth perspectives in the Middle East and especially in Saudi
        satellite communications solutions that are designed to enhance   Arabia, where many corporations are in need of reliable partners
        performances of customers operating in Saudi Arabia. AXESS will   providing state-of-the art  connectivity  networks to back and
        provide global infrastructure, assets and long-term expertise to   enhance  their operations. With METelecom  we have found  our
        support  the satellite-based communications  networks for the   perfect match to  pursue  our goals in  providing solutions that
        new  joint  venture.  METelecom  will  address  the  specific  local   exceeds our customers’ expectations.”
        requirements for corporations doing business in the Kingdom of
        Saudi Arabia. The management team of METelecom has more than
        seven decades of experience in providing remote communications
        to the harshest environments. METelecom brings the highest level
        of service and support through their experienced operations and
        engineering teams to the joint venture. The joint venture will be
        acting as AXESS Networks Solutions Saudi Arabia and will have
        its office in Dammam, the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi
        Arabia at the Persian Gulf. AXESS Networks Solutions Saudi Arabia
        will  operate  its  own Teleport  facilities  and  Network  Operation
        Center  out  of Dammam, Saudi  Arabia and under  the  license  of
        the Communications and Information  Technology  Commission

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