Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 79


        Intelsat Selects SpaceX to Launch Intelsat 40e Satellite

        Intelsat has selected SpaceX as its launch   are honored  Intelsat, one  of the world’s   number  of customers that  depend  on
        partner for Intelsat 40e (IS-40e). The launch   premier satellite  operators,  has  selected   Intelsat’s managed services and solutions
        is planned for 2022 on SpaceX’s American-  a flight-proven Falcon 9 to deliver its next   to easily integrate satellite into their
        built Falcon 9  launch  vehicle.  “We look   geostationary  communications  satellite   overall networking and communications
        forward to working with SpaceX to launch   to  orbit,” said  SpaceX Vice President of   strategies. Intelsat announced in February
        Intelsat 40e in 2022,” said Intelsat  Chief   Commercial Sales Tom Ochinero. Intelsat   that Maxar Technologies will manufacture
        Services  Officer  Mike  DeMarco.  “IS-40e   40e is an advanced geostationary satellite   IS-40e.  This is  the second  launch for
        will join the Intelsat Epic high-throughput   that will provide Intelsat’s government and   Intelsat  and SpaceX.  In  2017, SpaceX
        satellite fleet  and integrated  IntelsatOne   enterprise  customers across  North  and   launched Intelsat 35e, a satellite currently
        ground network to provide our customers   Central America  with  high-throughput,   providing  high-throughput  coverage  for
        with the managed hybrid-connectivity they   “coast-to-coast” services.  The  satellite’s   Intelsat  customers in  portions of North
        need in today’s ever-changing world.” “We   capabilities will  support  the  growing   and South America, Europe and Africa.

        Satellite Network with Fastest L-Band Speed Could Open Up Northern Sea


        Passage through Northern shipping routes   Telecom’s clients operating in the Northern   CertusTM  700  will  also  be  beneficial  to
        and Arctic waters has received a boost   Sea region have recently  switched to the   the oil  and gas  sector,  which has  been
        following the doubling of the connectivity   Iridium Certus service. “Vessels operating   expanding in the Arctic region. With more
        speed  of the Iridium CertusTM  network,   in this region  require robust solutions   than 40  billion  barrels of oil produced
        says maritime communications specialist   that can be  relied  upon  under  harsh   over the past 40 years and 184 active
        IEC  Telecom.  As  the shortest  sea  route   weather conditions.  Iridium Certus  is  the   rigs in 2018, the industry is increasingly
        between  Europe  and  the  Asia-Pacific   only global  network  able to  meet these   focusing  on innovative ways  to reduce
        region,  the Northern  Sea Route holds   requirements,”  explains Alf Stian Mauritz,   costs with sustainable practices. Satellite-
        immense potential  to  compete with   Managing Director, IEC  Telecom Norway.   based technologies are excellent drivers
        conventional  trade lines. There has  been   “With this new speed, Northern operators   of  operational  efficiency  with  optimized
        a  significant  increase  in  maritime  traffic   can share greater levels of data with their   navigation,  decreased  fuel  consumption,
        across the main transport corridors in the   shore offices, avail VOIP calls, and access   and better crew welfare options.
        Arctic, Northern Sea Route in the Russian   faster  email  exchange,”  he adds.  Iridium
        Federation,  the  Northwest  Passage  in
        Canada as well as the Arctic Bridge from
        Canada to Europe. In fact in the Canadian
        Arctic,  traffic  has  tripled  between  1990
        and 2015. Moreover, cargo volume in the
        Northern Sea Route has  increased by
        40%  between  2016  and  2017.  With  the
        Iridium CertusTM  700  service becoming
        commercially  available at  speeds of 700
        kbps – the fastest L-band speed in the
        industry, Iridium’s  network with  pole-to-
        pole coverage can  only serve to  further
        unlock  new opportunities for the fleets
        operating  in the  North. Fishing  fleets,
        commercial ships, and other  vessels
        transiting  Arctic  waters  can  benefit  from
        enhanced connectivity in these remote and
        potentially hazardous waters. Many of IEC

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