Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 130


                         Serbia’s  updated  Law  on  Electronic  Communications   for Communications and Postal Services (Regulatorno
                         has  entered  into  force,  updating  the  country’s   telo za elektronske komunikacije i postanske usluge).
                         legislation  so  that  it  aligns  with  the  EU’s  Electronic   RATEL noted that the updated legislation provides for the
                         Communications Code. The law also adjusted the name   development  of electronic  communications  networks
        Serbia           of the sector watchdog  from the Regulatory  Agency   across the entirety of the country and incentivizes the
                         for Electronic  Communications and Postal Services
                                                                        deployment and use of new network technologies.
                         (Regulatorna agencija za  elektronske  komunikacije i   (May 10, 2023)
                         postanske usluge, RATEL) to the Regulatory Authority

                         The Independent Communications Authority of South   services, a robust and competitive telecommunications
                         Africa (Icasa) intends to publish a request for proposals   industry, as well as promote investment in the country.
                         to  appoint  a  consultant to  assist  with  the licensing   As a result, it is vital to ensure a fair auction process
                         process for International Mobile Telecommunications   by appointing  a suitable consultant to assist  with

        South Africa     (IMT) Radio Frequency Spectrum, including conducting   the licensing  process,'  said councilor  Peter Zimri,
                         an  auction  in  multiple  IMT-identified  bands.  The  IMT
                                                                        chairperson of the committee.  The licensing process is
                         Spectrum auction is expected to be completed in 2024.   availing spectrum resources on the following identified
                         The amended Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations   IMT  spectrum  bands:  IMT750,  IMT800,  IMT1500,
                         prescribe  the  market-based  approach  to  efficient   IMT2300, IMT3300, and IMT3500. The Radio Frequency
                         spectrum management, which includes using an auction   Spectrum Assignment Plans for these IMT Spectrum
                         process for the licensing of the spectrum in respect of   bands were published  in the relevant  Government
                         which demand exceeds supply. 'This important process   Gazettes.
                         seeks to ensure universal availability  of broadband   (June 12, 2023)

                         The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) has confirmed   Now, however, it said it had reviewed SKT’s performance
                         that, having conducted a performance check relating to   as  it  relates  to  the  use  of  28GHz  spectrum  and  had
                         SK Telecom’s (SKT’s) utilization of 28GHz frequencies   found  the  operator  had  rolled  out  just  1,650  base
                         for  5G  connectivity,  it  plans  to  cancel  the  cellco’s   stations  operating  in  the  band,  of  a  required  15,000.
        South Korea      concession.  Having  previously  cancelled  KT  and  LG   Given that SKT has confirmed that it has no plans for
                                                                        further  deployments,  the  MSIT  has  therefore  given  it
                         Uplus’ 28GHz licenses back in November 2022 after the
                         pair fell short of meeting requirements in their licenses,   advance notice of its intention to cancel its license at
                         the regulator at that date gave SKT a temporary reprieve,   the end of this month.
                         saying its license would remain valid until 31 May 2023.   (May 12, 2023) www.

                         Telecoms  regulator  the  National  Commission  for   now, causing delays in actioning their plans.
                         Markets and Competition (CNMC) has updated its so-  (Jun 13, 2023)
                         called  ‘MARCo  offer’  making  it  easier  for  alternative
                         operators  to  access  Telefonica’s  infrastructure  to   The  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  and  Digital
        Spain            launch  their  own  new  generation  fiber  services.  The   Transformation  (Ministerio  de  Asuntos  Economicos
                         watchdog’s new offer improves the regulation of access
                                                                        y  Transformacion  Digital)  has  launched  a  public
                         to  Telefonica’s  civil  works  infrastructures,  including   consultation regarding the extension of the country’s
                         conduits,  registers, manholes  and poles,  important   existing  mobile  licenses.  As  per  the  General
                         for the deployment of new fiber-optic networks. Cinco   Telecommunications  Law  (dated  28  June  2022),  the
                         Dias notes that in one important update, the CNMC has   duration of  existing concessions  can be extended  to
                         introduced an improvement in the notification process   a total term of 40 years. The regulator notes that the
                         for  scheduling  (e.g.  due  to  works  by  a  Town  Hall).   proposed  license  extension  offers greater stability
                         Thanks  to  the  amendment,  Telefonica  is  required  to   and helps the licensees when planning their network
                         provide more information to altnets and to do so in a   investments.
                         timely manner – something that had been lacking until   (May 22, 2023)

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