Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                         of service observed over the last  eighteen  months   the ARCEP Management Committee on May 31, 2023,
                         of around 5% for Moov Africa Togo and 8% for Togo   decided  to give formal notice  to both  operators  and
                         Cellulaire, the General Management of ARCEP opened   granted them six  months to  make  investments and
                         a sanction procedure on March 14, 2023 against Moov   implement the necessary corrective actions to improve
                         Africa Togo and Togo Cellulaire," the regulator said in   service quality or face "penalty of sanction."
                         a statement. After considering the investigation report,   (June 2, 2023)

                         The  Uganda  Communication  Commission  (UCC)  has   for the 700MHz and 800MHz sales, and USD500,000 for
                         invited applications for its planned sale of 5G spectrum,   the other bands. Applicants must present a clear five-
                         which it hopes to complete by mid-August. Spectrum   year rollout plan and agree to cover 90% of the licensed
                         is  being  offered  in  the  700MHz,  800MHz,  2.3GHz,   territory by the end of the fifth year. An average downlink
        Uganda           2.6GHz,  3.3GHz,  3.5GHz,  5GHz  and  E-band  (71GHz-  data rate of 25Mbps must be achieved  in greater
                                                                        Kampala,  with  15Mbps  rates  guaranteed  in  other
                         76GHz,  81GHz-86GHz)  ranges.  The  sale  is  open  to
                         both National Telecom Operator (NTO) licensees and   regional centers. Uganda’s two main cellcos, MTN and
                         Regional Public Infrastructure Provider (RPIP) licensees.   Airtel, have both said they are ready to offer commercial
                         NTO’s can apply for national or regional allocations. The   5G services as soon as spectrum is awarded.
                         application requires a bank guarantee of USD1 million   (May 30, 2023)

                         Ofcom has lowered the thresholds for when Operators   to Ofcom. While they fell below the previous reporting
                         of  Essential  Services (OES)  should inform the   thresholds, we believe they could have had a significant
                         regulator  of incidents,  which should  result in more   impact  on  the  continuity  of  essential  services.    As  a
                         cases  of  significant  disruption  being  reported.    Our   result, following public consultation, we have decided
        United           Network  and  Information  Systems  (NIS)  Guidance   to  lower  the  incident  reporting  thresholds  in  our  NIS
                                                                        Guidance.  Improved visibility of incidents impacting UK
                         sets out  the incident  reporting  thresholds  for which
        Kingdom          we  consider  an  incident  to  be  of  significant  impact,   users being reported to Ofcom will enable us to better
                         and therefore when we expect OES to report incidents   understand causes of disruption to essential services,
                         to us.   Several outages have occurred recently in the   identify significant cyber security and resilience gaps
                         Digital Infrastructure subsector that were not reported   and spot thematic trends. (May 31, 2023)

                         The  FCC  is  considering  spectrum  sharing  models  in   technologies  to  avoid harmful interference  from one
                         500  MHz  of  the  42  GHz  band.  The  agency  wants  to   another. The NPRM proposes licensing the 42 GHz band
                         see how sharing models  in this high  band spectrum   as five 100 MHz channels, and seeks comment on other
                         might best be used, especially among small wireless   aspects of implementing a shared licensing approach.
        United           carriers.  Whatever  it  learns  can  also  inform  future   It seeks input on including coordination mechanisms,
                                                                        first-in-time  protections  and  buildout  requirements.
                         sharing  approaches.  The  spectrum  between  42-42.5
        States           GHz  is  largely  unused.  The  FCC  says  this  so-called   It also invites public comment on technical rules, and
                         “greenfield” spectrum is ideal to experiment with sharing   potential synergies with the sharing approaches being
                         approaches because of the lack of incumbent licensees.     considered for the Lower 37 GHz (37-37.6 GHz) band. It
                         Through a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) the   proposes measures to protect radio astronomy services
                         Commissioners passed yesterday, the FCC will build a   in the adjacent 42.5-43.5 GHz band.
                         record on the benefits and drawbacks of implementing   (June 9, 2023)
                         a shared licensing approach in this band. It will seek
                         comment on three specific shared licensing approaches:   The  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  has
                         a nationwide non-exclusive licensing approach, in which   released  an updated  version  of its location-based
                         licensees coordinate specific deployment sites with a   National Broadband Map, establishing that more than
                         third-party database; a site-based licensing approach, in   8.3  million  US  homes  and  businesses  currently  lack
                         which licensees would apply for each deployment site   access to high speed broadband. The FCC announced:
                         directly with the FCC; and a technology-based sensing   ‘On net, the improvements to the map since November
                         approach, in  which operators  would employ  such   helped  to identify  nearly 330,000 more unserved

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