Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 101


        Broadband Commission Assesses AI and the Digital Divides

        Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to help
        bring online the 2.6 billion people still not
        connected  to  the  Internet,  according  to
        The  State  of  Broadband  2024  from  the
        Broadband  Commission  for  Sustainable
        Development. The Broadband Commission
        released  the  first  part  of  the  report  at  its
        virtual  Spring  Meeting,  which  brought
        together  government  leaders  and  heads
        of  international  organizations  alongside
        representatives   of   private   sector
        companies,  civil  society  and  academia.
        The  report  reviews  how  AI  solutions
        can  accelerate  progress  on  broadband
        advocacy  targets  aimed  at  getting
        everyone  online  and  achieving  the  UN
        Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs).
        “Emerging  technology  trends  such  as
        artificial  intelligence  are  anticipated  to
        add trillions to the global digital economy,"
        said  Rwanda's  Minister  of  Information
        Communication Technology and Innovation
        Paula  Ingabire.  “The  ability  to  harness
        artificial intelligence to revolutionize access
        to broadband and other services as well as
        boost productivity for different sectors will
        require massive investments in the building
        blocks   including   power,   connectivity
        and  computing  resources,  particularly  in
        emerging  economies."  According  to  The
        State  of  Broadband  2024:  Leveraging
        AI  for  Universal  Connectivity,  emerging
        technologies  stand  to  revolutionize  the   the   International   Telecommunication   is  responsible  for  people  and  the  planet."
        way  decisions  are  taken  and  services   Union  (ITU),  the  UN  Agency  for  Digital   New  Commissioners  welcomed  at  the
        are  provided.  The  report  highlights  how   Technologies.  While  overall  Internet  use   Spring  Meeting  are  Jessica  Rosenworcel,
        AI  is  already  reshaping  the  delivery  of   is  increasing,  the  benefits  of  access  are   Chairwoman,  Federal  Communications
        traditional  services  for  human  well-being   unevenly distributed, reinforcing persistent   Commission  (FCC),  United  States;  Lew
        in sectors such as government, education,   digital  divides  affecting  women  and   Chuen  Hong,  Chief  Executive,  Infocomm
        healthcare  and  finance.  "The  use  of   people  in  countries  with  lower  economic   Media  Development  Authority  (IMDA);
        Artificial Intelligence is not new, but recent   development. The elderly and people with   Deemah AlYahya, Secretary-General, Digital
        advancements  in  data,  computing  power,   disabilities are among other groups being   Cooperation  Organization  (DCO);  Olayan
        and  algorithms  are  driving  innovative   left  behind.  “Broadband  is  fundamental   Alwetaid,  CEO,  stc  Group;  Abel  Avellan,
        services,"  said  Carlos  Slim,  Founder  and   to  ensure  that  everyone  can  benefit  from   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AST
        President of Grupo Carso, Co-Chair of the   digital technologies when so many people   SpaceMobile;  Mark  Dankberg,  Chairman
        Commission.  "The  rapid  development  of   are  still  offline  around  the  world,"  said   and  CEO,  ViaSat;  Shameel  Joosub,  CEO
        Generative  AI  highlights  its  potential  for   ITU  Secretary-General  Doreen  Bogdan-  and  Executive  Director,  Vodacom  Group
        original content and new applications. We   Martin, Co-Vice Chair of the Commission.   Limited;  Young  Shub  Kim,  President  and
        must redesign talent and retrain workers in   “AI  and  other  emerging  technologies   CEO,  KT  Corporation;  and  Isabelle  Mauro,
        digital  skills  to  maximize  these  benefits."   can  help  efforts  to  achieve  universal   Director General, Global Satellite Operators
        An  estimated  2.6  billion  people  around   meaningful  connectivity,  and  it's  our  job   Association (GSOA).
        the  world  remain  offline,  according  to   to  make  sure  this  happens  in  a  way  that

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