Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        Bangladesh advanced two steps to 110 position in mobile internet   users in the last year, according to the recently released data by the
        speed in April, according to the Speedtest Global Index published   country's telecom regulator. The Bangladesh Telecommunication
        by  Okla.  Previously,  the  country  was  ranked  112   in  March  for   Regulatory Commission (BTRC) data showed that of the internet
        mobile internet speed. Meanwhile, for broadband internet speed,   subscribers,  some  118.49  million  are  mobile  internet  users  and
        Bangladesh moved up two steps from 108  to 106  position in   12.88  million  broadband  internet  users.  Meanwhile,  with  10.61
        April,  a  local  media  outlet  reports  citing  the  Speedtest  data.   million new mobile users in 2023, the number of subscribers in the
        According  to  the  report  data,  the  average  download  speed  on   country reached 190.81 million in December 2023. Bangladesh has
        mobile internet in Bangladesh was 23.83 Mbps in April, while the   currently four mobile companies in operation, three of them being
        upload speed was 10.80 Mbps. The median latency in the country   foreign-backed cell phone operators. The number of subscribers
        was 26 milliseconds. (May 17, 2024)  of  mobile  operators  –  Grameen  Phone,  Robi  Axiata,  Banglalink
                                                               Digital Communications, and Teletalk Bangladesh – stood at 82.20
        The  number  of  internet  subscribers  reached  131  million  (13.1   million, 58.67 million, 43.48 million, and 6.46 million, respectively,
        crore) at the end of December 2023, including nearly 7 million new   at the end of December, the data shows. (May 9, 2024)


        President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has witnessed the opening of the   analytics  and  artificial  intelligence  (AI). The  inauguration  of  the
        Government Data and Cloud Computing Center, as per a statement   Government Data and Cloud Computing Center, also known as P1,
        by the Spokesman for the Egyptian Presidency. Located along Ain   marks a pioneering initiative not only in Egypt but also in North
        El Sokhna Road, this center offers services focusing on big data   Africa. (May 2, 2024)


        Chairman  of  Iraq's  Communications  and  Media  Commission   IT sectors, and ensure the state receives its full financial dues. A
        (CMC),  Dr.  Ali  Al-Moayyed  announced  that  KPMG  has  started   meeting earlier this month, KPMG presented its audit plan, which
        auditing  the  revenues  of  mobile  phone  companies  operating   includes analyzing the financial data of mobile operators, verifying
        in  Iraq  from  2017  to  2022.  This  initiative  aims  to  enhance   accounting procedures, and conducting interviews with company
        transparency, combat tax evasion in the telecommunications and   employees. (May 24, 2024)


        Chairman  of  the  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission   in  the  Arab  world,  underscoring  the  telecom  industry’s  pivotal
        (TRC) Bassam Sarhan announced that Jordan has approximately   role as the backbone of numerous sectors, fostering innovation
        7.72 million active phone lines. Addressing the weekly Government   and growth. “The TRC transcends its traditional role and acts as
        Communication  Forum,  which  included  the  participation  of   an enabler for  local  telecommunication operators,” Sarhan  said,
        Government  Communication  Ministry  Secretary-General  Zaid   adding that since its inception until April 2024, the commission has
        Nawaiseh,  Sarhan  highlighted  the  challenges  and  opportunities   generated an income of JD2.27 billion, contributing significantly
        in  the  local  telecommunication  sector.  Sarhan  emphasized   to the state treasury. Sarhan also said that the total number of
        the  commitment  to  enhancing  the  telecommunication  sector’s   fixed internet subscriptions stands at 805,000, with an additional
        strength  and  sustainability  by  introducing  high-quality  services   13,000 5G service subscriptions. He also noted that an individual
        and prioritizing customer satisfaction. Sarhan said that the TRC   in Jordan typically consumes around 25GB of data per month.
        established  in  1995,  was  the  first  telecommunication  regulator   (May 9, 2024)
                                                                                                    106  MAY-JUNE 2024
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111