Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 16
Spurring Digital Growth with 6 GHz Spectrum
The harmonization of 6 GHz across the ITU regions, following collaborative measures can regional policymakers and industry
WRC-23, represents a significant leap in potential for the 5G or leaders undertake to ensure a smooth and timely implementation
5G-Advanced (or 5G-A) ecosystem and paves the way for the of WRC-23 decisions regarding the 6 GHz spectrum, considering
advent of 6G technologies and the global expansion of broadband factors such as spectrum allocation, licensing frameworks, and
technologies, addressing the digital divides, and promoting regulatory harmonization; how can regional policymakers and in-
sustainable connectivity as well as a more equitable digital future. dustry leaders coordinate efforts to educate stakeholders, includ-
ing telecom operators, equipment manufacturers, and consumers,
This session during the Leaders’ Summit 2024 brought together about the implications of WRC-23 decisions on the 6 GHz spec-
industry leaders, policymakers, and ecosystem partners to discuss trum, and what strategies can be employed to promote awareness
the future of digital communication technologies, leveraging 6 GHz and compliance with new regulations and standards?
harmonized spectrum availability.
All participants expressed their satisfaction with the decisions tak-
Particular attention was focused on how harmonization of the 6 en at the WRC-23. They drew attention to the importance of the
GHz spectrum may impact the speed and efficiency of deploying fact that the 700 MHz upper part of the 1200 MHz spectrum, the
5G, 5.5G, and potential future 6G networks in the region; what spe- last remaining single piece in the 6GHz Middle Band, can be used
cific advantages does the new spectrum allocation offer for the for 5G advancement.
development and performance of 5G Advanced and potential 6G
technologies, particularly in terms of network capacity, latency, SAMENA Council suggested that that proceedings at the WRC-
and overall performance; how can regulatory bodies collaborate 27 should positively build onto the spectrum allocation decisions
with telecom industry stakeholders to establish frameworks and taken at the WRC-23, particularly to ensure better coverage and
incentives that encourage investment in research and develop- capacity, less network densification, less carbon emissions, less
ment, fostering innovation and creating new value propositions capex/opex, cheap user tariffs, and lesser taxation burdens on
enabled by the utilization of the newly allocated spectrum; what Telecom Operators.
16 MAY-JUNE 2024