Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 17
Funding Broadband and Tackling Digital Divides
A recurring sub-theme at the Leaders’ Summit was the emphasis beyond the traditional telecom sector to include technology firms,
on digital inclusivity and fostering fair market competition. content providers, financial institutions, development banks, and
Speakers from various sectors highlighted the challenges and governments. Participants at the Roundtable advocated for a
opportunities in making broadband and digital services accessible Universal Broadband Financing Framework, collaborated on by
and affordable. The discussions underscored the importance of SAMENA Council and industry stakeholders, and which is currently
creating a balanced digital ecosystem that promotes innovation being piloted in Rwanda and Nigeria, and which embraces and
while ensuring that the fruits of digital advancements are equitably aligns with insights from the 21st Century Financing Models for
shared. Addressing the digital divide, particularly in underserved Bridging the Connectivity Gap Broadband Commission Working
regions, is crucial for achieving comprehensive digital inclusion. Report, the outcomes of the Commission’s Annual Fall Meeting
2023 and the follow-up 21st Century Advocacy Group London
A key highlight of the Leaders’ Summit 2024 was the ICT & Meeting in November 2023. This framework is built on the principle
Financing Roundtable, which focused on innovative financing that diverse contributions can secure the capital needed to drive
models for broadband infrastructure. The discussions revolved forward universal access initiatives, ensuring that digital networks
around unlocking access to capital through broadening the reach the most remote and underserved areas.
contributor base, which involves diversifying the stakeholders
and contributions involved in financing digital infrastructure. As a result of this financing framework, there's potential to work
This approach is crucial for ensuring the sustainability and with SAMENA Council Members and other industry stakeholders
predictability of investments, which are vital for long-term success. on integrating public and private investments across regions,
The Roundtable, which congregated the financing community, including Africa, ASEAN, and throughout SA-ME-NA, to ensure that
telecommunications operators, policy makers and regulators, broadband developments are not only technologically advanced
underscored the necessity of expanding financial contributions but also financially and environmentally sustainable.
17 MAY-JUNE 2024