Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 93


           Closing  the  digital  gap        communication  service  providers,  data   One of the core benefits of a neutral hosting
                                             centre  providers,  and  other  stakeholders
                                                                                 model is that it can recover network build
           isn’t just  a technological       as everyone can pool resources and allow   costs  through  the  hosting  of  multiple
           challenge, it is a social and     for  the  shared  use  of  assets  to  impact   tenants – it frees up resources that can be
           economic  imperative that         coverage across rural and urban areas.  redirected towards core business activities
                                                                                 while empowering organisations to deliver
           can launch the region into        It  is  an  intelligent  move  that  benefits   exceptional  services.  It  also  helps  to
           the  future  and  allow  it  to   all  stakeholders  while  simultaneously   alleviate  the  challenge  of  capital  scarcity
                                             addressing the digital divide. Organisations
                                                                                 – a challenge in the region – through the
           fully realise its potential. It   already  playing  a  lead  role  in  this  space,   more economically viable option of sharing
           is essential that companies       particularly  with  4G  and  5G  technologies,   infrastructure,  and  when  accompanied
           share this vision for growth      can  extend  their  solutions  to  address   by the surging demand for data, it allows
                                             digital inequalities and ensure broader and
                                                                                 for  intelligent  network  upgrading  within
           and  are committed  to            more  diverse  connectivity.  Using  neutral   economic boundaries.
           providing  solutions  that        hosting, companies can enhance their 5G   Closing  the  digital  gap  isn’t  just  a
                                             densification,  collaborate  with  enterprises
           bridge  the digital  divide       for industry-specific coverage, and provide   technological  challenge,  it  is  a  social  and
           in  Africa, Middle  East and      connectivity to underserved communities.  economic  imperative  that  can  launch  the
                                                                                 region into  the future and allow  it to  fully
           beyond.                           However,  delivering  impact  and  creating   realise  its  potential.  It  is  essential  that
                                             value aren’t guaranteed with this approach.   companies share this vision for growth and
        It  is  an  approach  that  can  have  immense   There has to be shared commitment across   are committed to providing solutions that
        impact  across  the  MEA  region,  especially   organisations, such as SITA, to develop new   bridge  the  digital  divide  in  Africa,  Middle
        when  in  collaboration  with  leading   business models that unite the ecosystem,   East  and  beyond.  Neutral  hosting  and
        organisations  and  government  entities.   foster dialogue and create a shared vision.   shared networks are a viable and intelligent
        Neutral  hosting  isn’t  a  new  concept  as   Within this open framework it is far easier   step   towards   shared   growth   and
        multi-tenant solutions and network sharing   for  stakeholders  to  discuss  regulatory   development and can play a crucial role in
        have  been  prevalent  in  MEA.  Today,   frameworks, avoid waste and infrastructure   reimagining the potential of the region.
        however, the value of this approach lies in   duplication,  and  adapt  network  sharing
        collaboration  between  agencies  like  SITA,   policies where relevant and possible.

          Neutral Hosting Tech Brings Multi-Operator Coverage for Enhanced

          End-User Experience in KSA

          Saudi Arabia’s new Red Sea International Airport has become an early example in the region to showcase neutral hosting technology
          implementation; an initiative that adds to KSA's extensive 5G network coverage, some of the world’s first commercial 5G standalone
          networks, and high-speed fiber networks.

          Under  the  neutral  hosting  model,  ultra-high-speed  5G  coverage  is  delivered  through  a  robust,  shared  infrastructure,  ensuring
          seamless connectivity for subscribers of all licensed service providers in the country. This means that the services stc, Mobily, Zain,
          Virgin Mobile, Lebara, Salam Mobile and Red Bull Mobile can all be received inside the airport via a shared system.

          The introduction of the new indoor 5G shareable solution by ACES at Red Sea International Airport enhances the overall 5G network
          performance, empowering mobile network operators to deploy indoor networks quicker, providing their subscribers with high-quality
          indoor 5G experience, which includes ultra-high speeds.

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