Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 94


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        Docomo, Partners Claim HAPS First in 38GHz Band

        Japan’s  NTT  Docomo  and  its  high-altitude  platform  stations   backhaul lines consisting of aerial relays, a breakthrough the con-
        (HAPS) partners advanced their goal of delivering 5G service from   sortium claimed was a world first, adding the trial demonstrated
        the stratosphere, trailing a non-terrestrial network using the New   the practical application of 5G feeder links and backhaul lines for
        Radio (NR) standard in the 38GHz band. The operator, joined by   HAPS. A Cessna aircraft was equipped with newly developed com-
        Sky Perfect JSAT, the National Institute of Information and Com-  munication equipment which is expected to be deployed in HAPS.
        munications Technology (NICT) and Panasonic, set up an aerial   In addition, a lens-type antenna with an auto-tracking function was
        relay backhaul between a small aircraft, flying at altitude of about   used as the HAPS ground station. Last December, NICT selected
        4km,  and  three  ground  stations,  simulating  the  eventual  use  of   four local companies, including Docomo and Sky Perfect JSAT, to
        HAPS.  In a statement, Docomo noted the demo achieved multiple   develop direct-to-device mobile services using HAPS.

        Dialog Axiata Launches 4G-Powered Vehicle Tracking Service

        Sri  Lankan  telco  Dialog  Axiata  says  it  has  launched  a  smart
        tracking solution for vehicle and fleet monitoring, which also uses
        its 4G network to power various data-based monitoring features.
        The “Smart Vehicle Tracker” solution includes a device developed
        by Dialog and The Connection Workshop (a subsidiary of South
        Asian  Technologies)  that  uses  the  TeDi  fleet  management  app.
        The  tracker  device  enables  real-time  GPS  tracking,  live  updates,
        and tracking history accessible via Android and iOS smartphones.
        Dialog claims it’s the only such device on the market that is “self-
        installable,  uses  4G  technology  and  is  supported  by  Amazon
        Alexa.” The device also supports alert options such as engine idle,
        trip start, park alerts, speed alerts and location alerts, which can be
        pushed within the TeDi app or via SMS. While the vehicle tracking
        solution is aimed mainly at fleet managers, transport services and
        corporate  clients,  Dialog  is  also  offering  it  to  individual  vehicle
        owners and “safety-conscious individuals”. One key feature for fleet
        managers is assigned trips (including automated vehicle gate pass
        generation), which enables fleet managers to better manage ETAs   licensing reminders, automated trip costing, budgeting, and vehicle
        and route planning. Dialog is also offering customized corporate   booking features etc. Users who have a Dialog Fuel Card can also
        solutions  for  the  tracker  service,  including  vehicle  maintenance,   integrate that into the solution to keep tabs on refueling data.

        Pakistan Conducts First Symmetric 50G-PON Fiber-Optic Internet Trial

        Pakistan   Telecommunication   Company   Ltd   (PTCL),   in   ITU-T recognizes 50 GPON as the next frontier in Passive Optical
        collaboration  with  Huawei,  conducted  the  country’s  first  trial  of   Network-based  broadband  technology,  which  is  poised  to
        Symmetric  50G-PON  technology  that  will  help  implement  next-  revolutionize Pakistan’s digital landscape. This advancement will
        generation fiber-optic broadband services in Pakistan. Symmetric   support reshaping future demands across industries, enterprises,
        50G-PON  can  provide  50  Gbps  connectivity  in  downstream  and   businesses,  campuses,  and  residential  settings  with  low-latency
        upstream  transmission  simultaneously.  It  has  an  edge  over  the   next-generation services. Key applications and services enabled by
        Asymmetric 50 G-PON, which supports 50 Gbps in downstream   this technology include innovations like Holographic Technologies,
        transmission only. PTCL also inaugurated Asymmetric 50G-PON   XR-based  Metaverses  integration  in  domestic  and  professional
        for  the  very  first  time  in  Pakistan  at  the  beginning  of  the  year.   domains,  Smart  Manufacturing  leveraging  3D  Machine  Vision,

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