Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        benefit fully from a fiber connection, and ensure Bahrain is one of   more than 30 million successful eKey entries accessing safe and
        the  world’s  leading  broadband markets,  BNET also  proposes  to   secure electronic services since the start of the pandemic, said the
        remove  several  of the  slower speed  accesses  currently  offered.   statement from iGA. Also there has been greater linking of various
        The  deadline  for  submissions  is  2  June.  Commenting  on  this   government  systems  and  services  to  the  eKey,  which  simplified
        consultation, TRA General Director Philip Marnick stated: ‘We want   identity  verification  and  allowed  transactions  online  to  be  sped
        to ensure all consumers in the Kingdom of Bahrain have access to   up, supporting  social  distancing  measures,  ensuring  business
        world class broadband services at good prices. Providing licensed   continuity,  and  all  but  eliminating  the  need  for physical  visits.
        operators with a wholesale offer is a key regulatory mechanism   Recent additions to the National Portal include a range of services
        that underpins competition and choice. The new Reference Offer   offered by the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Labor & Social
        proposes  to  streamline  the  broadband  and  connectivity  speeds   Development,  among others.  Director of  Government  Systems
        available  in  the  Kingdom as  well  as  reducing prices.  This  will   Support & Maintenance Hesham Ebrahim AlHashemi said the eKey
        allow enhanced competition in the retail market which will benefit   offers access to eServices through the National Portal,,
        consumers and businesses who use telecommunications services,   as well as other electronic government channels, eliminating the
        in addition to further enhancing Bahrain’s global competitiveness.’   need to enter personal information repeatedly across platforms.
        (May 3, 2022)                          "Users can also opt to receive important notifications by email or
                                                               SMS by entering their details in the system's website,
        The  Telecommunications Regulatory Authority  (TRA)  has   These include alerts when users’ personal data is updated, their
        published  its  draft  work plan  for 2022-2023,  structured  upon   accounts are upgraded, and their passwords are changed, as well
        four main  pillars:  meeting  government  policy,  ensuring  a  secure   as updates on various other transactions conducted through the
        and resilient network for all users, reliable broadband for all, and   iGA’s electronic channels," he added. A total of 153 eServices that
        protecting and empowering consumers. As part of this process,   require an eKey are available through the National Portal, bahrain.
        the  Authority  will  consult  to ensure  that  everyone’s  views  are   bh  and  the  eGovernment  app  store,,  including
        taken  into  consideration  before  publishing  the  final  work  plan.   services  related  to  ID  cards,  the  General  Department  of  Traffic,
        Comments should be submitted by 24 May. Under its proposed   judiciary and courts, commercial records, educational qualification
        Work Plan,  the  TRA  intends  to review several  areas  including:   certifications, financial support for low-income individuals, and the
        the  sector’s  current  licensing  framework;  the  universal  service   Wejhati app for travelers who wish to keep in touch with Bahrain’s
        regulation  framework;  number portability  regulation  to address   embassies abroad. A comprehensive list of services is available
        the  broadband  transfer  process;  BNET’s  revised  reference  offer   on the eKey Services page on, stated AlHashemi. He
        and cost model, as well as its governance arrangements to ensure   called on the public to register for the eKey service, which offers
        non-discrimination  between  all market  players; and  the  retail   Basic and Advanced levels of access. The Basic level, available
        broadband and domestic data connectivity markets to determine   to all Bahrain citizens and residents, as well as those who hold
        whether  any  licensed  operator  holds  Significant  Market  Power   ID cards issued by other GCC countries, can be accessed through
        (SMP) in a relevant wholesale market. In addition, the TRA plans   either the National Portal or the eKey website. Holders of the Basic
        to award permanent frequency licenses in the 3400MHz-3700MHz   eKey can upgrade their accounts to the Advanced level through a
        band to mobile network operators for an initial 15 years, as well as   one-time visit for ID card and fingerprint verification at the iGA’s
        develop a detailed spectrum roadmap that meets the requirements   ID Card Service Center in Isa Town, the Bahrain Investors Center
        of all stakeholders. (April 26, 2022)  at the Financial Harbor, or the Social Insurance Organization, sad
                                                               the statement. They can also do this through one of the IGA’s self-
        Bahrain's  Information  &  eGovernment  Authority  (iGA)  has   service kiosks, which were launched by Minister of Interior Lt. Gen.
        announced that the government’s eKey service has witnessed a   Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa in February 2021 and are available
        surge  in  demand  during the  pandemic, with  more  than  190,000   at the ID Card Service Centers in Isa Town, Muharraq, and Mina
        new  users  registering  since  the  beginning  of March  2020.  With   Salman, it added.
        the total number of users now topping 572,000, there have been   (April 24, 2022)


        The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication Regulatory Commission   Illegal  VoIP  services  allow  users  to make  less  expensive  calls
        (BTRC)  penalized  the  four  major mobile  operators in  the  nation   by bypassing  interconnection exchanges  and  legal  international
        a total of BDT76.5  million  ($823,566)  for  hosting  illegal  VoIP   gateways, eliminating termination fees which are shared with the
        services  on  SIM  cards,  The  Daily  Star  reported.  BTRC  fined   government. BTRC cracked down on unauthorized call termination
        state-run  Teletalk  BDT50  million,  Robi  Axiata  BDT20  million,   in 2018 and 2019, finding 52,344 SIM cards with illegal VoIP service
        Grameenphone BDT5 million and Banglalink BDT1.5 million, with   from the four operators and originally fining them BDT266 million,
        payment required by the end of June, the local newspaper wrote.   The Daily Star stated. The fines were reduced at a hearing in April

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