Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 122


        Ottawa Sets New CRTC Telecom Policy Directives to Promote Competition

        and Affordability

                                                               require large telecoms to provide their  competitors with  access
                                                               to faster speeds. The policy does not specify the rates that the
                                                               government would like the CRTC to implement, leaving it up to the
                                                               regulator to  make  that  decision.  (Large  telecom  companies  are
                                                               required to sell broadband network access to third-party operators,
                                                               which then sell internet services to their own customers. Matt Stein,
                                                               who is CEO of Distributel Communications Ltd. and chairman of
                                                               the Canadian Network Operators Consortium (CNOC), an industry
                                                               group for independent ISPs, said the decision provides clarity for
                                                               regulators. “This is not what we asked for, but this is good, too,”
                                                               Mr. Stein said, adding that he’s disappointed that the government
                                                               opted not to overturn the CRTC wholesale rates decision, but is
                                                               encouraged by the directive’s emphasis on consumers. “It’s a really
                                                               good start and hopefully they do bring it into force,” Mr. Stein said.
                                                               The federal government is also instructing the CRTC to improve
        Ottawa says it will direct the federal telecom regulator to emphasize   its regime governing wireless network access for eligible regional
        competition and affordability  in the  internet  and  mobile phone   competitors “as necessary.” In April, 2021, after a lengthy review
        markets and to improve its wholesale network access regimes. The   of the  country’s  wireless  industry, the  telecom  regulator ruled
        new policy directive, announced Thursday, aims to eliminate some   that Rogers, BCE Inc., Telus Corp. and SaskTel must sell wireless
        industry confusion by replacing two previous policy directions that   network access to regional competitors who commit to building
        some saw as conflicting with one another. The first, introduced in   their own networks. However, the CRTC stopped short of opening
        2006 by the then-Conservative government, emphasized relying on   up national  wireless  networks  to competitors without  their  own
        market forces and encouraging network investments by telecoms.   infrastructure,  known  in  the  industry  as  mobile  virtual  network
        The  second, which  was  put  in  place  in  2019  by  the  Liberal   operators, or MVNOs. Still, the government is prepared to move to
        government but did not replace the earlier directive, instructed the   a full MVNO model, if needed, to support competition in the sector,
        regulator to emphasize  affordability, competition  and  consumer   the department of innovation, science and economic development
        rights.  The  new  directive  seeks  to  promote competition  while   said Thursday in a backgrounder document. Canadians have until
        also  encouraging investments  in  networks  in  a sector that  has   July 19 to submit comments on the proposed new directive, which
        attracted criticism from government and consumer advocates for   the  government  aims  to  finalize  by  the  fall.  The  proposed  new
        having high prices. The announcement comes at a time when the   directive also instructs the telecom regulator not to phase out the
        government is in the midst of reviewing Rogers Communications   current wholesale broadband regime when it introduces the new
        Inc.’s  proposed $26-billion  takeover of Shaw Communications   model  it  is  developing.  Under  the  current  “aggregated”  system,
        Inc. Critics  argue  that  the  merger of the  country’s  two largest   the  large  telecoms  are  required  to sell  to third-party  operators
        cable  systems  would reduce  competition  and  lead  to  higher   services which bundle access to the “last mile” – the connection
        prices for consumers. The federal government also opted not to   into customers’ homes  – along  with  transport  of data  to and
        overturn  a  controversial  ruling  by  the  Canadian  Radio-television   from the broader internet. Under the new “disaggregated model,”
        and  Telecommunications Commission, which in  2021  reversed   competitors will gain access only to the last mile, and then will be
        its  2019  decision  to lower the  rates  that  Canada’s  large  phone   able to either provide their own data transport or lease it from other
        and  cable  companies  can  charge  smaller  internet  providers  for   service providers. The new model is meant to encourage network
        access to their  broadband networks.  The  regulator has  said  it   investment.  The  government  said  it  has  concerns that  phasing
        found significant errors that cast doubt on the correctness of that   out the aggregated model could harm competition. Ottawa is also
        decision and opted to largely maintain the interim rates that have   instructing the CRTC to strengthen consumer rights by introducing
        been in place since 2016. “The wholesale rates decision made by   new  measures  to  address  what  it  calls  “unacceptable  sales
        the CRTC in 2021 is an attempt to correct errors made in 2019, and   practices,” overhauling the governance of the telecom ombudsman
        it makes permanent the rates that have been in force since 2016.   to give consumers  a more prominent  role, and implementing  a
        The decision provides stability, and the government has determined   number of other changes. Speeding up the deployment of internet
        that it will not alter this decision,” François-Philippe Champagne,   access, for instance by making it easier for telecoms to access
        Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, said in a statement.   infrastructure such as  telephone poles, is  another  priority that
        “That is why the new policy direction would require the CRTC to   the  government  has  identified.  Anthony  Lacavera,  chairman  of
        support a wholesale Internet regime that is sustainable, effective   Globalive Capital, said that “when implemented and enforced, this
        and fair, because wholesale broadband is a proven regulatory tool   new policy direction will help ensure true independent competition
        for increasing retail competition in the Internet service market,” Mr.   in wireless and internet services.” Globalive Capital is one of the
        Champagne added. The proposed new policy directs the CRTC to   potential bidders circling around Shaw’s Freedom Mobile, which is
        improve wholesale broadband rates in its future decisions and to   up for sale as part of Rogers’ $26-billion takeover of Shaw.
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